Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Freddy" the Gorilla

"Freddy" getting his first bath at Lincoln Park Zoo. Freddy was purchased in the Congo by the director of the Lincoln Park Zoological Society, C.L. Frederick, as a future mate for Helen, the zoo's female gorilla. - Chicago Sun.-Times, October 22, 1960.

1 comment:

Jim A said...

More old timer stuff: The man in the tie is Bill Hoff who went on to be the Director of the Cincinnati, St. Louis, and North Carolina State Zoos.

Freddie and Helen gorilla originally were kept at the Children's Zoo and I was a very small part of their care. Later Fred would go to St. Louis while I was there. Today I get to tell guests at Disney's Animal Kingdom about Benga, one of Helen's daughters. Small zoo world.