Saturday, May 1, 2010

Deepwater Horizon oil rig fire leaves 11 missing after explosion in Gulf of Mexico.

I'm on the board of Open Oceans Global based here in San Diego.
The NOAA and Scripps Oceanographic people tell us that this one could possibly be the worst ever. (From a private email)


Anonymous said...

What a tradgedy for all those people who make their living from the sea. I see that the shrimpers are being allowed to make one last catch out of season, but after that, who knows how long it will be until the sea life returns.

I bet George Bush is heaving a sigh of relief that he's no longer in office. If her were, they'd already be accusing him of:
A. Not acting fast enough
B. Blowing up the rig himself to drive up the price of oil.
C. Still carrying a hatred for the people of Louisiana that he wasn't able to kill when he orchestrated Katrina, so he's going this route.

Wade G. Burck said...

You are right. There would be a thousand reasons why Bush would be responsible. The impact on the animal life makes me sick to even think about.

Jon Pult said...

Greetings from Louisiana...

A sadly prescient post.

Were screwed.