Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Placement of elephant riles PAWS officials

More than a decade ago, a Galt-based animal sanctuary took up the cause of several elephants owned by a circus family, documenting alleged abuses and violations of federal laws.

Last summer, two of the family's remaining three elephants were confiscated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and ultimately placed in the San Diego Zoo. On Friday, USDA officials and the owner, Wilbur Davenport, agreed to send the final elephant to the San Antonio Zoo in Texas. Officials with Performing Animal Welfare Society (known as PAWS) were incensed, saying the zoo's elephant area is too small for one elephant, let alone two animals that had been subject to years of harsh treatment.

"USDA's job is to enforce the Animal Welfare Act and to protect the interest of the animals, and in this case they clearly have not done so," said Pat Derby, founder of PAWS, which has sanctuaries in Galt, Herald and San Andreas.

A former Hollywood animal trainer, Derby had offered to house the elephant at the San Andreas sanctuary, a 2,300-acre area called ARK 2000. Instead, Queenie the elephant is going to the San Antonio Zoo, which has been looking for a second elephant since one died in 2007. Derby doesn't oppose zoos, but she said the 52-year-old elephant deserves more space.

"San Antonio has 3,500 animals on 50 acres. The elephant has one half-acre. If they had expanded and enlarged that space and then said they wanted to take Queenie, I would have been fine with it. But she's been through enough," Derby said.

Zoo officials did not return calls seeking comment Tuesday. The zoo is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the elephant program is in compliance with federal animal welfare regulations, said Dave Sacks, spokesman for the USDA.

The zoo's website says it is inspected twice yearly by the USDA, and has always passed inspection. Their current elephant, named Lucky, has two full-time veterinarians and receives proper nutritional and medical care, the zoo's director wrote in an undated letter posted on the website.

Queenie is going to the zoo because Davenport, her owner, reached an agreement with them. If the elephant is not transferred by Monday, it negates a deal Davenport reached with the USDA.

In August, the USDA removed two elephants from Davenport's care. They subsequently filed charges against him for violating various animal welfare laws. Through Friday's agreement, approved in Washington, D.C. by an administrative law judge, Davenport's animal license will be permanently revoked. It includes his business, Maximus Tons of Fun, LLC, based in Texas, where he also lives.

He was fined $100,000, but will only have to pay $15,000 of that fine if he places Queenie elsewhere by Monday. The agreement allows him to either sell or donate the elephant, and does not indicate if the San Antonio Zoo agreed to pay him.

Because the elephant was not confiscated, the USDA didn't have control over where it was placed, Sacks said. He also did not know if Davenport was paid for the elephant.

PAWS does not pay for any animals, said Derby, who didn't know if that was a factor. She was frustrated, though, because attorneys had actually been working out a deal with Davenport.

"We had been negotiating with the circus owner to meet all of his demands, so there really was no reason to do this," she said, explaining that some of those demands included allowing Davenport to visit the animal.

She wants the USDA to have more strict requirements before reaching such agreements. "They need criteria for placement of animals," Derby said. "It should be something that is a lovely retirement, not just being shoved into a small space."

Courtesy of Mark Rosenthal


Steve said...

I guess I'll never understand the American version of justice.

Seems that you fail to look after 2 of your 3 elephants so the Feds collar them and fine you $100,00.

Like you were looking after 1 but not the other 2?

But if you give your 3rd elephant to a zoo that needs it you get your fine reduced to $15000?

Anonymous said...

They act like it would be a bad thing that he got paid for the elephant ! I just don't get that aspect - since there should be nothing wrong with placing the elephant "where ever " as long as she would be cared for properly .

I would have thought Pat and paws would be happy that lucky" is finally getting a companion ? However it has become clear to me that both paws as well as carol buckleys old place in tenn has tried to use tge USDA as a engine to aquire their ele' ? Now since they did not get any of tge 3 - it appears they are pissed- since it does state in many write ups that they have been working long and hard to get the ele' taken away - but it is clear that they would only be happy if they are taken and given to one of their facilities ?
As for making some $$ on the deal - I see nothing wrong with that ! It is to bad - he had to take a loss on the other 2 - and feel that these owners should be given A SMALL amount of time to sell ( find homes ) for them before the governent comes in and takes them ( which is considered property and might I add very expensive property and gives it to someone else that will make $$ off of them ( such as zoos with admissions - shows - ect ! It us a free ticket for them - which I feel is so wrong !!

The governent pretty much took away their way to support their family - and just gave it to another - how is that The American WAY ?
