Saturday, October 10, 2009

The good old day's. Anybody know what country this was photographed in?

"We've never tied elephants front and rear in this country." Aren't the chains supposed to have a protective covering over them? Is that some kind of cable around the first leg?


Steve said...

I have never seen this in Australia and doubt that this is an Aussie show.

There does appear to be a cable around the first leg.

Covers on chains became mandatory in Australia about 20 years ago.

Wade G. Burck said...

It came of a site googled Australian circus elephants, but you are right, it is hard to identify unless. The first elephants I was around in 1974, on Clyde Bros. had fire hose around their chains, which Lou replaced every 3 months. I have never seen an elephant since then in the Colonies without covering on the chains. In fact, a year ago on the "history channel" expressed surprise at a picture of Baron Von Uhl's elephant with a bare chain around one leg, as that was the first time I had seen it done.
That mandatory covers on chains in Australia that took affect 20 years ago, was that about the time that one leg chain became standard practice. I assumed it was done to improve on the way things were done in the Colonies.

Steve said...

I don't recognise it as being from an Aussie show but, I don't know everything.

Covers on chains became "mandatory" about 20 years ago here but caring keepers/trainers were using them long before then. I recall being surprised at the recent pic on Buckles' Blog and noted your comment and the lack of ensuing discussion!

The one leg chain [front left alternating with front right to give each leg a "rest'] has always been standard with Aussie shows during my lifetime. From time to time overseas shows [Russian] have toured here with elephants tethered front and rear to the opprobrium of local operators.

Wade G. Burck said...

We now reference something being done, whether it is good or bad, because it has always been done that way. If someone does it different (like the Russians,) a finger is pointed as doing it wrong. Boy does that speak to the circus. Somehow it is better to keep an elephant on one chain, instead of two, yet when it was "suggested" to untie the horses, ponies, camels, etc. from the side of the truck and put them in stall's it was met with great opposition.
Russia has/had many gov. circus buildings which is possibly why they went front and back. I wonder if it would be wise in the Colonies to just chain one, until next week when you are in a building, then go with one again when you are at a fair grounds. One chain has nothing to do with anything, except what the environment provided. To suggest that one is kinder then two, I don't even think you believe is fact, mate. The environment is what has dictated how the circus animals are housed all over the world, which is why it has remained relatively unchanged, with exceptions, today.