Saturday, September 26, 2009

Norfolk Zoo

BRAVO.. ... for your BLOG..
Read... look...learn...every day!!
As you may know.. the Norfolk Zoo has 4 new
lion cubs and they can be viewed on live camera
Here are a few shots I just took (Sun.. 12:30)
Looks like a most acceptable enclosure. But
know you will be able to make a professional

1 comment:

Wade G. Burck said...

Wow, this is a most impressive exhibit. Given the Norfolk Zoo's "checkered past" the staff must be applauded. If there were anything in the negative, I would have to point out that, in an effort at "realism and naturalness," designers need to make an effort not to make it "surreal" or Hobbit landscape looking. Nice exhibit, reminisent of facilities like the North Carolina Zoo.
Thank you for sending it.