Monday, September 21, 2009

Giving Chris Baltrop another chance to clarify his statements

YouTube - Circus Elephant Suffering - Great British Circus

Speaking ahead of Friday's show, Chris Barltrop from the Great British Circus said: "The trainer just deals with them by word of voice, he's not pushing them around with sticks or whips or anything else. "He just says 'do this' and they follow him and do it. They follow him around devotedly like some sort of dog... [it is the] same sort of relationship.

I think everybody has a right to explain, and we will give Mr. Baltrop, who has commented here before, in regards to the "wonderful world of Monte Carlo circus championships" another opportunity to "clarify".

I would also like to point out to Showbiz David, "
Princess Stephanie of Monaco hosting a circus photo contest for the young, it's lofty purpose to show “circus as part of our shared culture.” I love Stephanie for taking her father's torch with such dignity and devotion" that the Born Free Foundation that made the above tape, "Not nice for plastering posters on telephone booths and road signs is the Great British Circus. Culture police also on edge over a video showing one of its elephants being hit by a groom"(thats the trainer in the costume David), is also the same organization that Prince Albert(of Monte Carlo circus fame) that donated the confiscated circus leopards to, that his father had in a private zoo, because "they deserved to be free, in their native land, where they belong, and not confined to a cage". My question to you David, is: Is that not a bit like our Vice President telling us that the President is wrong, and the former President is right?"

I direct new readers to the posts on Nov. 6, 2008, Feb. 24, 2009, Feb. 27, 2009, March 2, 2009, and March 9, 2009

The new tape that the Born Free Foundation has released does not show anything of concern, but it sure looks bad, in the context of some of the statements that "with it and for it" folks have made. Some folks may be of this opinion: Much of what shows up on this site (with all due respect Wade) gets awfully long winded and says very little. Maybe Wade gets remuneration based on word count". I don't get remuneration, but my profession get's made to look bad, by uninformed, feel good statements. Walk away from, do not support a "circus" festival that "philosophically" thinks animals deserve to be free in their native land, Showbiz David. Do not tell folks what an elephant trainer does or doesn't do, to complete his assignment, unless you are an elephant trainer, Mr. Baltrop!!!!!

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