Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome is an extremely rare genetic condition which causes physical changes that resemble greatly accelerated aging in sufferers. The disease affects between 1 in 4 million (estimated actual) and 1 in 8 million (reported) newborns. Currently, there are approximately 40-45 known cases in the world. There is no known cure. Most people with progeria die around 13 years of age.
Ashley Hegi is a 16 year old girl who lives in Canada and has Progeria. There have been many TV specials about her. Her mother has a website: Ashley is an inspiring and courageous little girl!!!

"Who has exploited whom here? Has Ashley exploited herself, has her mother exploited her, have I exploited her, or has The Curator if he signs her to a contract? Or are a lot more people now aware of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria? WHO get's to decide what is exploitation, and WHO get's to decide who is allowed to do the exploiting in a free world?" I also think Jackie is an inspiring and courageous girl, who can spread her message, how she chooses."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The whole fad of dwarf families on TV, fat people dancing or trying to lose weight for prizes, the legless, armless people who show up occasionally on Maury Povich, or the half-man who wanders aimlessly around on his hands in the background of the Springer Show, are all identical 'expoilations' to side shows. Does appearing on a network show make it more palatable than a bally platform? If you couch the presentation with sympathy and fund raising, does it make it A-OK?

Most freaks are adult men and women of sound mind and have every right to use their differences to make a living. To tell people that their only option in life is to live solitary lives, tucked away from human gaze, barely subsisting on Social Security payments denies these citizens the very tenet of life, liberty and the pusuit of happiness. It's an affront to freedom, yet where are the liberal causes to defend their rights?