Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tiger born with no stripes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A snow white Bengal tiger has become the first of its kind to exist in the wild today after being born without stripes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The six-month-old cub is so rare it is thought there are fewer than 20 tigers like her alive in the world - all in captivity.

The tiger, which has been named Fareeda, was born to two white Bengal tigers. However, while Fareeda's brother Shahir and sister Sitarah all bear the typical black tiger stripes, Fareeda is a one in a hundred chance of being born without.

Keepers at the ranch were delighted when Fareeda and her siblings were born on Christmas Day last year, but even more surprised to see Fareeda's rare lack of markings.

Odette Claassen, 52, from Cango Wildlife Ranch, said the keepers had to wait six months before they could be sure Fareeda definitely did not have stripes.

She said: "Some cubs develop stripes in their first few months but after six months it's clear that Fareeda is truly one of the rarest of her kind.

"When she was born Fareeda had noticeably pale colour it did cause a stir of excitement amongst the staff.

"But we knew there was the possibility of the cub's very light black and ginger stripes darkening over time existed.

"Most white Bengal tigers are bred in the US from a single male captured in the 1950s, but Fareeda is the first to be born in Africa, which is very special.

"She has a lovely nature and loves playing with her brothers and sisters, although she has nipped me a few times when she wants a feed.

"White Bengal tigers are not albino, they have distinctive blue eyes, and they used to be found in Northern India before they died out.

"My hope is that one day Fareeda and her kind can be returned to their native habitat and that is why it is so important to educate people about tigers and keeping the breeding programmes going."

"What do you think, Josip Marcan? Where in the heck do people come up with this stuff?

Courtesy of Casey Cainan


B.E.Trumble said...

I'm gonna scream. It's not a "species" and the "survival" of gnetic aberrants heretofore known as "poodles" has nothing to do with species survival and everything to do with the hubrus of humans running "breeding" programs. (Forgive the "tone," everybody here in MN is just so "nice" I want to spit.)

Don said...

But I can see stripes!!!!!!

Wade G. Burck said...

Marketing and publicity don't normally have anything to do with species survival. Look at all the genetic material the circus claims to be keeping for a reintroduction plan!!!!!


Wade G. Burck said...

That's the same thing I said when S & R coined the term "snow white". The "snow white" folks get almost as irate as the "white lion" folks, when you can't see it. They often suggest jealousy, or a lack of imagination.

Ben Trumble said...

Wade we fully intend to reintroduce hoola hoops into the wild when a habitat is found. Maybe Shetland ponies too.