Saturday, July 25, 2009

For Paul McCarthy

With rare, rare exception a protruding tongue is a sign of a relaxed, contented animal. The human animal will protrude the tongue when deep in thought, or pondering. Not to be mistaken for an uncontrolled, lolling out of the mouth tongue which is often associated with drunkedness, drug induced, or mental instability, or White Tigers by the uneducated.


Anonymous said...

Wade I'm sorry I only just saw this. Thank you for the reply. I was curious about the image of I think two white tigers on a jacket I think I once saw on your blog. I thought the white tigers on the jacket were the same as in the picture on your wall in the Sports Illustrated article. Sincerely Paul

Wade G. Burck said...

The picture on the wall was used as a pattern for the jackets, which I had made in 1984 for my staff, and a few close friends. It was a picture of Bhim and Sumita which I always liked, as it had grass and no bars or fencing. I had the waving American flag added as a backdrop, which was done in advertising pictures at the time, with a famous Arabian Stallion named Padron. As the act was called the All-American White Tigers it seemed a no brainier. The gold scroll work was added to give it a "circusy" look.
I enjoyed very much the White Tiger articles you emailed. I wanted to share them here, but as they were copyrighted, I didn't want a beef from you or them. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wade, Thanks for the message. I saw an advertisement somewhere on the internet for "American white tigers", possibly appearing in Mexico. By the way I saw three black rhino on TV the other day, at the Chester Zoo in England, and three more at Denver Zoo, one of which was sent to the Honolulu Zoo. There's a lake somewhere in east Africa around which there used to be a population of black rhino with three horns. Sincerely Paul PS I was also watching a program about lions in Tsavo. The males have no mane, if I'm spelling that right, and there is only one male in each pride, one adult male at least, but one of the most interesting things in this documentary was the gerenuk.

Anonymous said...

PS: Maybe it's better not to take chances with copyright. Sincerely Paul