Monday, April 20, 2009

I stand corrected. I guess Great Britain is in Europe


Don said...

NO ITS NOT!!!! Don't believe what the French Germans Communists etc tell you!! Please don't be so rude!! (PS If you don't hear from me after this post it's because the Stasi came for me in the night.....)

Wade G. Burck said...

Whoa,whoa!!!! I believe it is one of your mate's the Great British Circus making the claim, not the French, German, commies. Your best hope is to be taken to trial before your are tasered into a false confession. That way I can testify that I have had the same argument/discussion with a Brit in the past who laid claim to a "European style" of training while trying to justify to a reporter what he had just seen in the performance.

John said...

And in which continent did you think it was???????????