Saturday, April 11, 2009

Honorable Walter Rothschild--Penny Illustrated Paper, 14 September 1895

A very interesting zoological experiment has recently been carried out in Buckinghamshire by the Hon. Walter Rothschild, son of Lord Rothschild. It is the training and driving of a four-in-hand team of zebras, generally regarded as among the most intractable of all animals. Mr. Rothschild takes special interest in this strangely striped steed, and has made a study of its nature and needs. In his museum he has several stuffed specimens, including one brought from Mashonaland by that mighty hunter, Mr. F. C. Selous. There are several breeds of zebra, and that known as Burchell's has been selected by Mr. Rothschild for his team, because it is more horse-like and has better draught power than the mountain variety. A number of them were imported by him, and, after a long course of training and taming, he is able to drive them four-in-hand. He has astonished the quiet country folk round the seat of the family with his circus-like turn-out, and at the Tring Agricultural Show the other week his team was the sensation of the day. His zebras are groomed, shod, and fed in the same manner as horses, and they are capital goers in harness. The Rothschild family are a very powerful social force in Buckinghamshire.

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