Friday, March 27, 2009

RBBB Circus Madison Sq. Garden


The were high points, and low points.
A few dangerous moments..
In Taba's liberty act, one of the white horses caught
it's right front leg on the side "harness" (sorry I don't know
the correct terms) of the magnificent black horse as he had
them standing on their hind legs. You'll see it in the video.
It took them a few minutes to get the leg free, fortunately
I hope, without injury.
Such was not the case with the double-ladies cannon shoot.
One of the ladies seemed to land just to the side of her landing
balloon. They carried her off. Hope she's OK!
A few of the guys on the "Roman"? swings had very rough
landings on the opposite swing, and one a collision with the
Taba's display with his 12 magnificent cats was a crowd pleaser.. as usual.
The elephant display was incredible. Seeing the huge cream silk
panel fall and open to reveal the 15 or so beautifully "Thai"?-costumed
ladies who welcomed the 11 elephants with ladies similarly costumed
took my breath away!!
The Garden (the 2/3 that they use ) was almost full.
Watched Siegried (of Siegfired and Roy) pose with persons during
Enjoy the slides. Since the music ("Dreams On Fire" is from "Slumdog
Millionaire" it's not for publication.)
The audience kids did have fun yelling "Zing - Zang - Zoom" for the
magic to take effect!!

Courtesy of klsdad


klsdad said...

Sorry Siegfried!!

I was too excited and didn't check my spelling!! No excuse!


Anonymous said...

the horses were ok they cut the harness to get them loose, the cannon ball lady landed wrong and sprained her ankle but she is ok. the russians always one or two land wrong. but besides that i hope u enjoyed the show thanks for coming out. a little message that only wade will be able to figure out who this is. wade u once asked me to salute my animals to see if i would really do it. and of course i did and then you called my father to tell him all about it. if you can figure this out you will find out who this is thanks wade.

Wade G. Burck said...

Of course I know who you are. And thank you. The salute showed me your sincerity, desire and dedication.
I trained a group of pigs for a show at the Metro Toronto zoo a number of years ago, and they sent me three girls to learn the act and present it for the summer. They asked me to decide who was the most dedicated and they would put them in charge of the presentation. When they arrived I told them in order to be a pig trainer you had to bond with them, and the only way to bond with them, was to get on your hands and knees and grunt like a pig. Two of the girls looked at me like I was nut's, and one dropped to her hands and knees and started grunting away. Guess who was put in charge, guess who learned to present the pigs the fasted, and did a fabulous job?
If you aren't afraid of looking stupid, you won't abuse an animal someday when they do make you look stupid.
Keep up the great work on the GSOE. It is one in a million.

Anonymous said...

thanks wade that means alot comin from one of the greats

Anonymous said...

alas this must be miss KH I presume