Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mandrill Exhibit--John Coopers Anvers Zoo

I don't understand why there are not move zoo exhibits featuring a troupe of Mandrill Baboons?
I think they are one of the most impressive of the primate family. Who can ever forget Suki, a member of Carmen Hall's "one of a kind", male baboon act sitting on a high seat, surrounded by Chacma, and Gelada males?


Anonymous said...

Wade, some places mix mandrills in with the gorillas.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
That doesn't do it. A large troupe of Mandrill, ruled over by a brightly colored male is the way to go. Gorilla's are impressive enough on their own.

Anonymous said...

At Zoo Atlanta, we have the terribly endangered Drill instead of the Mandrill. Though the Mandrill is more appealing to the public, we opt for saving the worst off.

I suspect that under the taxon advisory guidelines of AZA, mandrills are less favored because they are not as endangered.

However, given the bush meat slaughter in West Africa, mandrills are certainly threatened.

Carmen Hall also had Drills in that spectacular act.