Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Malay Sun Bear--Perth Zoo

Keeping a watchful eye on her cub, is first-time mother Bopha, who was rescued from poachers in Cambodia some years ago.

West Australian Environment Minister David Templeman said the birth of Maly, the Cambodian word for blossom, was an important achievement.

"Maly is particularly special because of the remarkable survival story of her parents, six-year-old Bopha and eight-year-old Jamran, who were rescued from poachers," he said.

"Bopha and Jamran were taken illegally from the wild when they were cubs, and were in a terrible condition when they arrived at the Free The Bears Fund sanctuary near Phnom Penh in Cambodia."

The sanctuary nursed the bears back to health before they were sent to Perth Zoo.

"Now there is a valid twist that I sincerely hope catches on. The confiscated animals were taken to a sanctuary, nursed back to health, and then sent to the Perth Zoo to reproduce. That is as it should be, not the other way around."

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