Friday, March 20, 2009

London Zoo--1923

Don, Joey, Rebis, and the other professional elephant handlers in the zoo word have all made a very valid argument against Protected Contact. No matter what the surface, all elephants as some point will need to have work done one their feet, whether it be the pads or the nails. Yes, they can be "conditioned" with target training to extend a foot, but the ability to handle and get around the animal can not be underestimated in being able to do it right, and correct. It is a tough, backbreaking job in the best of circumstances.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The well being of the elephant has to be considered in all aspects so it is so important that the have fundamental training so that they can be properly cared for. Being chained up, taught to be led around with discipline [use of hook] and especially to lay down on command. Asian elephants are "beasts of burden" just like the horse, camel, water buffalo, oxen, etc. and need to be treated as such. They have been domesticated for hundreds of years and the ones not in captivity are no different than our American Wild horses or the Dromedaries running in Australia and elsewhere.