Thursday, March 5, 2009

The "haha" Moat From The March 4th Post

Bjorn mentioned the Emmen zoo may convert their existing elephant moat into what translated to a haha moat. It is obvious that while being safer for the elephants it has the same issues as the old Bronx Zoo elephant enclosures surrounded by a wall, thus the need for the ugly pile of rocks, in some cases placed to "soften" the look of a wall or pool, but in this case the size of them suggest they were placed to make the retaining wall taller to hid the wire overhang that had to be added.

Courtesy of Bjorn Krebbers


B.E.Trumble said...

Gosh, when I was a kid I liked those rock walls around the old elephant house enclosures. By the time I worked in the Park the elephants were in the off display barn behind Wild Asia and only the elephant ride still used the enclosures around the old barn. Just thinking about it pisses me off all over again contemplating a Bronx Zoo with no elephants a few years from now. Just can't imagine 8 million New Yorkers and nary a pachyderm. Hornaday would be appalled.

Wade G. Burck said...

Forget rocks around the wall. I have been pissed off since they shut down the St. Catherine Island Conservation project. Yes, the great William Temple would be very ill.