Wednesday, March 18, 2009

For Ryan, Rebis, and Don--Star Brands on Elephants continued.

We have discussed the different brands on elephants, and why or for what reason. A mystery for me has been that none of them really seem uniform. It was suggested that they brands were marked with a type of acid that was painted on, which would explain the non uniformity. Here are two brands from animals in two parts of the world, that are the first ones I have really noted that are uniform. There is no way they could have been "painted" with a brush and acid and be this uniform. They were surly done with a "branding iron" of some sort.

Now, the other conundrum is this. Could the elephants above from Ringling Bros. Circus and the elephant below have come from the same place/camp, at about the same time, and could they be related genetically either through their sire or their dam line. They look visually about the same age. I am pretty familiar with the Ringling star babies, but not this elephant. Here's what I know. Her name is Khang Phyo Phyo, and she originated at Ouwehands Dierenpark Rhenen Netherlands 5/6/89. She arrived at the same time at Rhenen with a group of elephants named Khang Nwe Nwe, Khang Soe Soe, Khang Hnin Hnin, Yu Yu Yin, and Tin Tin Htoo. I have read that elephants are given the fathers name as part of their name in the logging camps and Temples. Since 1989 Khang Phyo Phyo has relocate from Rhenen to Rotterdam to Port Lymph, to her current location at Antwerp.

I need to understand these brands, and any help you gentlemen can offer would be appreciated.

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