Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Egyptian Temple--Elephant and Giraffe Exhibit--Antwerp Zoo, Belqium.

This building was built in 1856. Antwerp Zoo has some of the most beautiful historical animal buildings in the zoo world, in my opinion. Rivaled in uniqueness, I feel by only the Berlin Zoo. They have managed to develop while still retaining the history of the zoo.


Anonymous said...

In this zoo I came every day until my 8 years, then once a week until my 10. And now once a half year. I knew every animal by name and followed every little change in the zoo. The elephant building is great. Now there are living 4 elephants in the Zoo, Dumbo and 3 chinese names. One of the elephants is pregnant from Alexander the big bull. Before their lived 4 elephants from the Berlin State Circus together with Dumbo in the zoo. But they are all replaced.


Wade G. Burck said...

You are very lucky. It has always been my dream to visit this zoo. It is the Gunther Gebel Williams of historic zoos. LOL The aquarium is also very beautiful, how they have built the rocks around it, with the reptile house up on top. Plus the Okapi house. I have some more pictures someplace, and will post them.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...


Yes it's an amazing zoo with lot of beautiful buildings and many animals. The aquarium and reptile house is indeed amazing, high up between the rocks. Also the monkey house in the begin of the zoo is a beautiful building with many apes. The cages of the wild animals are a small and boring, but they made a new bear exhibit 2 years ago and that became a big beautiful exhibit. If you want to visit the zoo, it would be a pleasure to be your guide.


Wade G. Burck said...

Why don't you go to the zoo as much as you used to? Do you have a girlfriend keeping you too busy? If I make it over there, it would indeed be my pleasure to have you as my guide, and I am going to want to know all of the animals names, how old they are, and how much they eat. We would have a great time I am sure. I will look forward to it.

Wade G. Burck said...

Have you ever been to Planckendael? It is outside Mechelen, and is supposed to be nice. Maybe if I get over to Belgium, we could also go there.

Anonymous said...

Great photos of a fantastic zoo. Home of the first okapi in Europe in 1918 and probably the last to exhibit eastern lowland gorillas. This beautiful is next to the Central train station, easy to get to.

Wade G. Burck said...

Although not as old, but equally beautiful are the Monkey, Bird, and Reptile Buildings at the St. Louis Zoo. I was actually looking for some pictures I have of those buildings, when I got side tracked with the Antwerp Zoo.

Anonymous said...


It's a bit everything school, friends, sport,... I went many times to planckendael to. Their are 2 giraffes born in Planckendael 2 weeks ago. It is a bigger zoo with big exhibits but less animals, every year they built a new big exhibit this year it was the safari exhibit for zebra's and giraffes. I also look foward to it !!


Anonymous said...

As Jim says, it's close to the main railway station.
In Flemish, the city is called "Antwerpen". In French, it's "Anvers".

Anonymous said...

Yes John, In french it is Anvers and in Flemish it is Antwerpen. Their are 2 Antwerpen in belgium the city and the "state". It's called a provincie, it's a bit the same as a state but not totally the same.