Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Duisburg Zoo--Duisburg, Germany

Duisburg Zoo has also taken a lot of heat the past few years because of their dolphins, but not much over the sea lions. Does anybody think that is a bit of an example of the "animal 0 the day" that is plaguing the elephant industry? Or are sea lion's that much hardier and easier to keep healthy, as Jim A suggested in an smaller environment?


Don said...

Wade, to say "hardy" could also be interpreted as "stand more mismanagement" or even "stand more mistreatment" or to an AR person "stand more abuse". Just a thought!! I personally believe that sealions are simply not flavour of the month to the AR people, and afetr dolphins and polar bears (in UK at least) they are now picking on elephants. I believe apes will be next, and then who knows? But as long as zoos over here are keeping animals in small, boring enclosures then that is all ammunititon. Even if the facilities are fine for the animals, we must be aware of whether the public perception is that they are fine!! Again, if the industry policed itself properly there would be no need for AR people to get involved!!

Wade G. Burck said...

Gorilla's, Chimpanzees, and Orangutans, have all at their shot at stardom here in the states. I think the polar bear deal in the UK had a lot to do with their use in the circus, as well as their condition in zoos.
When you talk about policing or setting a standard and then abiding by it, we has only to look at the random haphazardness of the early zoo's, and then look at them to day.