Saturday, February 14, 2009

Video's like pictures will trump anecdotal evidence of a "trainers" ability.

We have to assume a lot of today's you tube are taken and posted without the consent or knowledge of the person in them. But there are instances where a person has no idea of ignorant or inadequate they actually are, and actually post videos themselves to show the world. Amazing. Watch her make the horse lean into her, instead of it staying straight, in an effort to get away from the whip. I don't think every place at the stable was flooded the day this "seminar/clinic" tape above was done. Or possibly the water is a new training aid to get the feet higher, along the lines of a kick board or rattlers. She felt so good about her skills that she even posted a video below of herself giving a performance. She has to "lead" the horse to do Spanish walk, instead of driving him from the shoulder/hip. Watch at 1:53 the horse actually piaffes/waits for her "healthy" body to get moved into place. Long lining is not a rotund persons game. The animal is supposed to go forward freely, not drag a weight sled with only it's mouth, without the aid of a collar. Often times it will get to the point where a person can't get into the saddle without the aid of block and tackle, so they will chose to long line their horse as an alternative to riding. Wrong discipline to chose if you are to big to get into the saddle.

I never had much interest in long lining or paid much attention to it, as I had never seen it done "right" until I met Madame Col. Olds Rossi. I really started to pay attention to the art and study it and attempt to learn it. Done right, it can be more breathtaking then a mounted performance. Even more impressive this video below is done with a horse not "bred" for the movements. The horse above is "bred" for the movements, giveing him a great advantage which he has not been allowed to use. The don't need to be big. If they have heart and skilled training they can do very well and hold their own. And an Arabian does have heart.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely sensational. As Buckles would say, she dotted all the Is and crossed all the Ts. Suberb. They did it all to perfection. Best of the best.

Wade G. Burck said...

Who did it to "perfection"? Did they look the same to you. There are two ways to dot the I's and cross the T's. You can add them as you are going along writing, or you can go back and jamb them on afterward. It depends on how methodical you are writing, or how fast and in a hurry.

cwdancinfool said...

Wade - I would say yes to perfection in the second video, but the first one doesn't even have sense enough to get in out of the rain!


cwdancinfool said...

Wade - Correction - perfection in the 3rd video. Forgot there was one in the middle.
