Sunday, February 22, 2009

Unknown Presenter

This looks like a sharp act. The pyramid is of a different look/construction and looks nice. For those in my profession that like to point out things like "something is harder because it is done with a lion or a tiger, or a male or a female," what is more difficult, two female tigers doing a T mount on a male lion like Alex Lacey, or two female lions doing a T mount on two female tigers like this? I note a seat in the middle of the pyramid empty, I wonder if a male went there.

Can anybody not do anything without a piece of meat anymore? This act looks to nice to patch with doing a "training session".


Anonymous said...

Even Landri,from the French circus
Circo di Venice

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. I have never heard the name Even Landri. It seem like a nice act, is it new, as the animals look young? Is it a show act, and did Even train it?

Anonymous said...

Wade, I wonder if the question is really "Can anybody do something without a piece of meat?" or "Have we oversold reward to the public?" I don't know what the answer is, but I wonder if the public isn't becoming "conditioned" to seeing cats rewarded from the meat bag.

Wade G. Burck said...

It is a phenomena that has become almost standard in the last 15 years or so. It seems that acts are "in training", where as they used to be trained. I have seen animals that have worked for 7 or 8 years still "in training." To reward something upon completion of the behavior, would be a pr move, but to reward it to do the behavior suggests at something else. One thing we can not ignore is the level of talent that was there year ago. I don't think it has much to do with public perception, because I don't think the "public" has ever been asked in a legitimate/valid way. The public tends to be "us" and what we think amongst ourselves. I just don't the skill is there anymore. They only seem too know/understand two extremes, force or beg. The intricacies of animal behavior are unknown to them. In other forms of animal training there has been an advancement/improvement for the better, from everything from sea mammal shows, dressage, falconry, etc. Circus animal training with very, very few exceptions has seemed to deteriorate.

Anonymous said...

Know nothing further about him ,Wade.I only heard of him recently.

Wade G. Burck said...

Granted a few photo's don't tell you much, but in the little bit they can tell you, this young man looks like he has something real nice here. If anybody else knows something else, I hope they will let us know.

P.S. Thomas, why didn't you tell me about this act? LOL