Thursday, February 12, 2009

Unknown Presenter


Anonymous said...

These are the tigers of Martin Lacey Sen. at the Great British Circus.

Anonymous said...

This should is Helyne Edmonds-She trains tigers and presents a act with friesians stallions at the Great British Circus.


Wade G. Burck said...

I didn't realize this was Helyne from the Great British Circus. I just looked at the program Martin sent me, and she is listed as "life partner" of Martin. I assume she has more to do then tigers and horses. LOl

Anonymous said...

And I thought I had a dirty fantasy... (sometimes)

Anonymous said...

I'll confirm that it's Helyne. Indeed she has a managerial role on the show - which I assume to be what you meant, Wade.
GBC opens at the end of this month and has an elephant act booked. I'll name it once I know it's arrived and is working (which is intended as a comment on life rather than on any individual!)

Wade G. Burck said...

That's not what Rosie O'Donnell and Ellen DeGeneres say's it mean's. You Brit's are master's at taking a word/term in a new direction. If you are not "unchurched" your "friend" short term is mistress, long term is life partner. LOL