Thursday, February 12, 2009

Richard Nixon with Terrell Jacob's lioness, Sheba--June 4, 1953


BigCatNut said...

That lioness has an awful lot of hair around her neck to be a lioness, or is it just me? I would guess to say 3 years old?


Wade G. Burck said...

That is Sheba, Terrell's claim to fame. Did you see the pictures Josip Marcan sent of the lioness with the mane in North Carolina?

Anonymous said...

Wade, is this caused by a hormone imbalance?
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
I really don't know for sure. It's is a subject that has always kind of "freaked me out", like hermaphrodite's/bearded ladies etc. and I have kinda shied away from the issue, and have not studied/looked into it much.