Thursday, February 19, 2009

For Jim Alexander and myself--What a trip down the height of animal training lane!!! Those were the days, my friends.


Anonymous said...

For me, one of the best primate acts of all time! In fact, I can't think of a better one. I saw his father Otto with a trained gorilla, orang-utan and two chimps at the Kelvin Hall Circus, Glasgow many years ago.

Wade G. Burck said...

It was a great act, without a single "muscle trick." The expressions on the Orang-utans faces were priceless, and the tempo/delivery was very similar to what you would see in a sea lion act similar to the Gassers and others of the era, ideally suited for the stage or night club.
Which leads me to my next question. It makes you wonder what the public want's as they obviously want animal shows? Example, as zoo's made an effort to get away from traditional animal shows(elephants, chimps, cats), the trend became the "logging demonstrations" with elephants. As those fell out of favor, San Diego even went to a horse show, which didn't succeed(obviously) in an effort to provide entertainment. It seems zoo's have now settled on "bird shows" or a limp "animal ambassador" shtick with cheetahs or some other species. What is it the people/public want????

Anonymous said...

A great act and classic presentation. I don't want to know how he trained everything but it sure worked.

I saw Bobby's father's act with an orang, gorilla, and 4 or 5 chimps. In fact the act played the STL Police Circus in 1967 and Mrs. Berosini "repo'd" the gorilla right before the date. Several years later Bobby visited Mike Kostial and I at the STL Zoo. He had a young gorilla (that would give his young son rides), an orang, and some chimps. He lost the gorilla to a heart condition and thought he was finished. He found out that the public really liked the orangs with their expressive faces. I visited with him at his last circus date for Fleckles in Belleville, IL. His two orangs were still juveniles, worked well, and very nice and friendly with me in his bus. He was leaving for Busch Gardens, FL which led to Las Vegas.

Bobby was good friends with zoo historian Marvin Jones. I'm sure Marvin had some tales of the source of the orangs from some famous zoos. I heard they were hybrid Sumatran/ Bornean.

Wade G. Burck said...

Good stuff. I never suspected they might be Sumatran/Bornean hybrids, but it makes sense. I just thought the were freaky put together Sumatrans.
The expression's you can't train. But you are an animal trainer, and between you and I, I'll bet we both would like to know how he trained the expressions to be given on cue. The expression of, "that's not funny, Bobby, when he is joking about the chest flap is priceless. But for me the deal was the disappearing orange, when the orang pulled it out and showed it to the audience, and then "hid" it again. That trumps anything I have seen a Patagonian sea lion do with a ball. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

Addendum to Jim Alexander,
In regards to what people want or don't want, and it is a sad commentary on actual human/animal knowledge indeed, I'll bet you 5 spot, if Nadia Gasser had been presenting this act it would still be working, or at least would not have been shut down as ignominiously as it was.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right if Nadia Gasser presented the act it would still be working. First, I haven't talked to Bobby in decades but when I did visit in the distant past he was very pleasant. There are stories about Bobby not being the best politician. I thought if he had a pair of orangs that had produced at least one baby that he could showcase he'd have a better public image. His great act suffered from the "perception" that the animal's housing was inadequate, he was cruel to animals, and he wasn't pleasant to co-workers. All of that may not be true or facts might be exaggerated. The public relations cost of the act got too high. Too bad for him and it's our loss too. I know a lot of people who would almost join PETA that told me how great the Berosini act was.

Wade G. Burck said...

The greatest damage to him and the act was done by the "support staff" with an ax to grind. It has actually become a cottage industry of sort's in American show business. It has been brilliantly illustrated, in this branch of show business the last 8 years that I enjoyed it upon my return, and I did not realize the importance before of a "cute and charming" persona and a world class PR department. It used to be ability, but as the industry became smaller, and there was less ability, it became a fishing expedition to find something to justify. "Cute and charming", became the standard to patch for the lack of skill, skill that was prevalent in the past. "Cute and charming" I have come to believe you could elevate a Private in a large Brigade, to the Duke of Wellington who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. But it is temporary, only warranting an occasional reference now and then which points to it's validity. Patton's battle tactics are still taught today at West Point, the soldier he whacked was all but forgotten, but as I understand it in studying him, he was a great guy, like by all. Just not worth a shit as a soldier. LOL
And believe me with the right PR department, referencing other great "conversationalists" from Las Vegas, you could convince the public that a 3/4 Sumatran Orang-utan was a viable asset in the fight against extinction, and it may have been a feather in Bobby's cap.
Speaking of "what the hell is going on here," the Circus Fan's of America are getting ready to give the Master Illusionists a lifetime achievement award. While the "history channel" tries to find a justification for magic in the circus, the fan base is giving them an award. What the heck have they had at all to do with the American Circus, with the exception of connected to Feld/Ringling and giving comp tickets to circus performers in the area? It is sad and heartbreaking to think there is that little left in this business to give the award to.
You I am the majority of animal people tend to look at a Bobby Berosini act on it's merits, and not as a fan of anything except animal training.

Don said...

Wade, that was a terrific film clip. Reading your comments, what can you tyell me about Nadia Gasser? Any pics please?