Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Example 3--Hans Brick--Fact or Fiction--What is a "Trainer/training" without a defined "definition/standard?"

Dianne Olds Rossi noted the bad form in some rearing horse's in a thread yesterday, and Steve Robinson noted that one of the riders was Hans Brick. Mr. Brick in my opinion is one of those "circus/animal training legends" that have been created by "jackpots" and not by fact/or validating evidence. His name was brought up many months ago on this blog, and a commenter, who was a borderline activist, left and quit commenting, when I disagreed with him on whether Brick was as good of a trainer as he was suggesting. If you read the "history channel" most comments are that Brick was really great. Even when evidence like this is shown. I think what often happens is that folks have a hard time after seeing facts, in really admitting what they are seeing, and they stick with the "jackpots" instead of admitting that maybe they have been BS'd with "self serving/jackpot papers." LOL

Last year I have having a "heated discussion" with another American feline trainer in regards to a trainer from England who had worked in the States for many years. As he is going on, and on, and hanging "jackpot papers" about her exploits/qualifications, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and thought we were talking about two different people. I finally asked him, "where did you get your information from?" He said, "so and so told me." I asked him, "have you ever seen her work?" He responded, "no, but I have heard!!!!!" I told him, "I watched her very close, and helped her for a number of years and I never saw anything like what you have just described. I saw somebody very unsure, very inconsistent, at times very hard on the animals, which led to an insecure, scared performing animal." He "hotly" disagreed with me, as he "may not have seen her work, but I was told!!!!!!!" Christ, Brick didn't even have "cute and charming" on his resume. LOL Circus history/greatness most of the time, depends upon who is doing the telling, and it is suggested that you should not ruin a good story, with facts. LOL


Anonymous said...

Wade - I never met Mr Brick but I did read his book - co-written by respected author and journalist Eddie Campbell. If Mr Brick's ACTIONS with animals matched his WORDS in the book then he would have been a man very much like yourself.

So cut him some slack until we find out for sure.

I know that Jim knew Brick and I guess that Emile probably would have as well.

I read here that Jim is very busy at the moment, but if he or Emile has the time to give us a candid assessment of Mr Brick as an animal trainer I for one would be very interested to hear their opinions.

Wade G. Burck said...

We "are" looking at facts here. I tell Thomas not to believe publicity/self serving paper/or authorized biographies, or word of mouth, and now you are asking for "jackpots from either Jim or Emile? What are you hoping they will validate, what he wrote/co wrote, or what he produced with those words? Saying and doing are two different deal's, mate. Much like "trick" and "pose."

Anonymous said...

Over the years I have driven my kids and my staff mad by continually telling them that "actions speak louder than words". So I don't disagree with you.

BUT - I don't think that we can judge Mr Brick's actions on just a couple of snap shots. All the photos on your Blog add up to about 5 seconds of Brick's long life.

SO - the next best thing is to talk to people who might have seen the actions.

And the only people that I know who might have seen the actions would be Jim Clubb and Emile Smith. I would value their opinions as being more than just "jackpotting".

I'm not hanging paper for Brick but his book impressed me when I was a young bloke and still impresses me today. I would be keen to learn if that impression was misplaced.

Wade G. Burck said...

The book is full of pictures like these, and not much else. Hell mate, Frank Buck impressed me when I was a kid, but we are more "impressionable" as lad's as there wasn't a lot else to reference. You have laid enough paper as to what it is you want to hear, I hope they don't disappoint. LOL While they are at it, I want them to tell me that Frank Buck was truly a conservationist and set the standard for animal husbandry/captive breeding long before it was in vogue and everybody copied him.
While we are at it, let's ask them if Edgar Rice Burroughs was jerking us around, or was Tarzan really raised in the jungle by Gorilla's after his parents died? I say he was, because there is a picture of him and two Gorilla's on the cover of one of my books, and books don't lie. LOL

Anonymous said...

You must be having one of your cynical days!! Time to get out of that ND freezer and in to some nice warm sunshine.

Forget about Buck and Tarzan - we KNOW about them. LOL

I'm going to wait until Jim or Emile get here to find out the nitty gritty about Mr Brick.

You go back to bed and get out of the cold!!! LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

What happened? Did the activist not buy into the explanation, so now you are hot. LOL Why aren't the pictures "fact" enough?
You sound like the women who say's, "what do you think of my dress?" She doesn't really care what you think, she want's you to tell her what she want's to hear. If she asks enough people, eventually someone will tell her it is a beautiful dress, which is what she was waiting to hear, regardless of what she is actually wearing.
As Winston Churchill said to the homely matron who insinuated that he was drunk, "that may be true Madame. But tomorrow I will be sober. You on the other hand, will still be ugly. LOL

Anonymous said...

Talking about political "put downs".

The late, great Australian Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzies was addressing a political rally back in the days when politicians actually talked to the voters.

"I wouldn't vote for you if you were the arch-angel Gabriel" yelled an interjector.

"If I was the arch-angel Gabriel YOU wouldn't be in my electorate" shot back Sir Bob in a flash!

Anonymous said...

I did not meet Hans Brick, but the author of his book, Eddie Campbell was a very close friend of mine. He was a professional journalist and amateur lion trainer. Eddie trained three lions to work in the wagon cage for Wilson's Menagerie in Glasgow. They did a good little routine. He was also Alfred Court's contact in the UK and a close friend.

Eddie told me Brick was a very competent trainer, but had little presentation in the ring. He said Brick had a broad knowledge of many species, as explained in the book. Brick didn't train big groups, but was an expert at adding two or three animals to existing groups or producing small acts. According to Eddie, the animals were professionally and thoroughly trained and he could make do with any facility to train them in. He worked in the '50s for Chipperfield's Circus, where he trained their chimp act. The chimp pictured on the blog, walking on stilts, is Charlie, a wild-caught animal, who was still working until 1979. The Chipperfields always spoke highly of Brick, he was the menagerie manager while he was with their show. Consensus of British circus opinion was that he was also a very talented clown. This is often overlooked by circus historians.

In later life he had a single chimp that did a double act. Apparently this demonstrated his ability as an animal trainer as well as a clown. Both he and the chimp were dressed in tuxedos.

I understand that these are all examples of anecdotal evidence, but the sources are pretty trustworthy. Chipperfields would have no reason to praise Brick if it wasn't warranted. Eddie Campbell may have been a friend, but was also a professional and I always felt he was very objective when he described trainers to me. Being a long time contemporary of Alfred Court's he would have had a good yardstick to measure other trainers.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jim.

Wade G. Burck said...

That is a fair assessment of Brick, as you noted it is anecdotal. No disrespect to Campbell, but as noted he was an "amateur" lion trainer, with close ties to Court, who may be biased to any tie to Court, particularly if he has collaborated on a book with one of those ties. That someone has no "presence" in the ring, no more validates their training ability then saying someone took good care of the equipment. Those are often offered as an alibi/patch to a lack of training ability. They are intangibles such as "he did it fast", "his stuff is better because he had the time," "he did one day stands", "he was in one place for 6 months," "he had one year," "he had 3 years," "he had good animals," "he had bad animals" "he was on dirt", "he was on concrete", "she was a women," "he was a man."
Also no disrespect to the Chipperfields, but I know a Gentleman with a very similar situation to theirs, who will scorn someone for years, and years later revere them with the passage of time. If Brick was always there and available to be "generally useful" there may be a gratitude/loyalty that would have nothing to do with factual ability.
My friend, friend Josip Marcan is often referenced thus, He is not much of a showman(presence) but what an incredible trainer. The pictures verify his training ability. How many times have you heard the statement, Charley Baumann doesn't have the "presence" of Gunther, but he is a great trainer. The pictures verify his training ability also. Even if you had never seen either of these gentlemen live and in person. With respect Jim, taking the era into consideration as an intangible, I have to look at the pictures available, with "other then amateur status" together with your respected/knowledgeable, "other then amateur status" words and come up with my own conclusion as to what I am looking at.
Being a trainer in the era of Court, is indeed a yardstick as telling as being a trainer in the era of GGW, Baumann, Clubb, Chipperfied, Holtzmier, Semoneite, Smith, Bottcher,Strickler, Knie, etc.
Thank you for your knowledge and insight.

Wade G. Burck said...

HAPPY BLOODY VALENTINES DAY, mate!!!!!! I have something you can thank you, right here!!!!