Friday, February 13, 2009

The day the world stood still--The circus protesting the circus!!!!!

Steve Robinson, are you the gentleman in the orange tie and blue shirt, or the gentleman crouched over on the end with the pink jacket and hat. LOL Forgive me mate, but in an effort to address the often asked question, "what the hell is going on here?" I have to post this. Did the Aussie's think the AR radicals were not doing a good enough job, and they thought they would show them how to do it right? LOL The AR pressures are tough here in the state's also, mate. I think before you crack and feel a need to protest something back, better just to take a deep breath, have a cold beer, and sit and relax for a moment. LOL


Wade G. Burck said...

The lass on the left with the pink feathers? Is that a name tag that says, "Aussie Elephant" she is wearing, or is that a protest placard. LOL

Anonymous said...

Careful Wade - I've seen some thunder thighs in photos from the States too!!

This was interesting protest. Nothing to do with AR but a stance against a big promoter who tried to ride roughshod over the permanent local shows. He won some of the battles but, overall, has lost the war. He lost heaps on an ill-fated Asian tour and is now reduced to hawking the "Moscow Circus" title around to producers who tour shows with very little Russian content and kick back a percentage to him for the rights to use the name.

Wade G. Burck said...


I found it an interesting protest in light of a brilliant conversation on Jamie Clubbs site and an insightful comment by Dr. Heather Vallance in regards to why tribes, secret societies, and cultures respond the way they do to anything that calls their belief into question or intrudes on their turf.

P. S. They weren't from the states, mate. They were only visiting here from England. LOL Which one are you anyway?

Anonymous said...

I took no part in that one!!!! Any disagreements that I had with Mr Edgley [and I had a few!] were discussed man to man.