Tuesday, February 17, 2009

CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!! Why was she allowed to have/keep this Chimpanzee?

Look at this caricature above of what it is supposed to be. Anybody want to suggest that longevity proves anything!!!!

A disturbing and tragic incident on Monday afternoon in Connecticut leaves one chimpanzee dead and a woman in critical condition at the hospital.

"It was a very serious attack. She suffered a tremendous loss of blood, terrible facial injuries, body injuries and hand injuries," Capt. Richard Conklin of the Stamford Police Department told the Connecticut Post.

The victim, Chandra Nash, 50, is reported to have suffered "life-changing, if not life-threatening" injuries, including having both of her hands torn off.

he horrific incident began when 15 year-old chimpanzee, Travis, inexplicably got moody and agitated on Monday. His owner, Sandra Herold, 70, gave her pet chimp a cup of calming tea to drink, laced with the anti-anxiety medication, Xanax.

It didn't work. Instead, Travis grabbed Herold's house keys, stormed outside and started banging on cars in the driveway, according to the Connecticut Post.

Herold called her friend, Nash, for help. When Nash arrived, Travis viciously attacked her in the driveway in what has been described as a "prolonged attack."

The 15-year-old chimp was toilet trained, dressed himself, took his own bath, ate at the table and drank wine from a stemmed glass. He brushed his teeth using a Water Pik, logged onto the computer to look at pictures, and watched television using the remote control.--The Advocate of Stamford

At 3:44 p.m., Herold called 911 and grabbed a butcher knife. She ran towards the chimpanzee she's had since he was three days old. Herold stabbed her pet chimp several times, but he merely started wandering around the yard.

When police officers arrived, Travis opened the driver's side door of one police vehicle and began attacking the officer sitting inside. The officer had no choice but to shoot and kill the chimpanzee. Travis ran away, wounded, and was later found dead in his room at the back of the house.

Police are investigating whether Travis' battle with Lyme's disease may have triggered the brutal attack.

Connecticut allows people to keep exotic pets, but a law requires new owners to obtain permits. Because Sandra Herold and her husband, Jerome (now deceased) had gotten Travis so long ago, the law was not retroactively applied to them.

As a younger chimp, Travis appeared on TV commercials for Old Navy and Coca-Cola, took part in a television pilot and appeared on the "Maury Povich Show." Although he was known as an amiable pet who the Herolds treated like their child, Travis did have a known feisty streak.

In 2003, Travis stopped traffic when he jumped out of the SUV in which he was riding to chase a man who had thrown something at him through the half-open window. It took hours for the police and his owner to coax Travis back into the car.

Herold was also taken to the hospital with a possible mild heart attack. The hospital, thus far, is refusing to release any details.


cwdancinfool said...

Wade - This is so stupid. Just because you put a diaper on a chimp and "raise it as a human", it is still a wild animal. Why don't people understand that? And like you said, why was she allowed to keep him?


Wade G. Burck said...

Because of an asinine loophole in the law, called a "Grandfather" clause. You can't believe the nonsense allowed to continue because of it.

Anonymous said...

Allow me to defend "grandfather clauses" at least to some degree. I couldn't keep exotic venomous reptiles here in CA were it not for my status under a grandfather clause to the current laws. I keep a Florida permit active under the same kind of exception, though I haven't lived there in 25 years. Clearly the folks in this case were never really qualified to keep a large ape -- but not everyone keeping animals under a grandfather clause is unqualified.

Wade G. Burck said...

If a law is a law, it is a law for all, regardless of the law. If a cage that met the requirement 25 years ago is now antiquated, new one's need to be built, not keep using the old one's. If you loose your permit, there is normally a reason, and you should not be allowed to "piggyback" on somebody elses. I doesn't matter if you used to drive 75 because that's what the law was. It is now 55, and you should not be able to still drive 75.