Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chimpanzee Superstars

Bubbles and Numbnuts above(Bubbles is the one with out shades.)

Lancelot Link Secret Agent Chimp

Ham the Astrochimp.

J. Fred Muggs, tv newsreporter.

The Greystokes, Tarzan, Jane, and Cheetah


B.E.Trumble said...

Isn't Cheetah still alive at some ungodly age in a zoo in Spain?

Wade G. Burck said...

Supposedly 75 years old. I have always heard there were a couple of dozen "Cheetahs".

Anonymous said...

Cheetah is alive and located in Tarpon Springs, Fl. She is at the Suncoast Primate Sanctuary.

B.E.Trumble said...

I'd guess at least one for each film. Still, 75 isn't bad for a chimp that was almost certainly also taught to smoke and drink.

Anonymous said...

When I was two years old I appeared on the Today Show with Dave Garaway and Mr. Muggs.

Anonymous said...

The Cheeta that is most publiczed is in Palm Springs Ca. Living with Dan Westfall and is said to be 76 years old. I was invited to the private sanctuary while we were in Palm Springs but never was able to get there. Last week we were waiting for the truck at Ford service and while looking at the magazines, found a 5 page story about that Cheeta (Entertainment Weekly 10-17-08 ) It does mention the one in Florida.this chimp was originaly owned by Tony Genrty.Dan Westfall's uncle. Joanne

Wade G. Burck said...

I believe "Cheetah" like many famous animal's is a product of "self serving" showbiz paper, as murky and muddy as any circus history. Often times as hard as deciphering hieroglyphics or the newest word puzzle. LOL Outlandish ages are often referenced as due to their captive environment, which is absurd. There is a village of people in the Ukraine I believe, that live to over 100 years old on a steady diet of vodka, cigars, and yogurt, yet I have only heard modern science advocate the yogurt. LOL
I trust the show is doing well, be safe and give my best to PeeWee.