Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bernard Grzimek

Left, Reginald Green Director of the Bristol Zoo. Richard Brock Producer of BBC Natural History and on the end, Bernard Grzimek Director of the Frankfurt Zoo. Dr. Grzimek was one of the leading European Zoo directors of his day and introduced the, at the time revolutionary concept of the "laboratory tile" sterile cage interiors like what we see the monkey in below. He authored many facinating books about zoo keeping and natural history, which I "inhaled" as a young boy.


Marco said...

Mr. Grzimek was truely a remarkable personality. An active environmentalist/wildlife supporter and friend of the circus and animal training. He actually died 1987 during the performance of Circus Althoff in Frankfurt.

Anonymous said...

You are right Marco. In 1942 he pressented 6 tigers in Circus Sarrasani, he called himself Mister X.


Anonymous said...

Wade, I was just admiring the white tiger in the background. I was also looking at the recent messages posted regarding white tigers at Bristol Zoo. I had already read an article about that. I thought it was "mad cow disease". Sincerely Paul