Monday, February 9, 2009

The 1st International Festival of Falconry held last year at Reading's Englefield Estate, England

The International Festival of Falconry, held at Reading's Englefield Estate stars falconers from across the globe.

Organisers said the festival celebrates three thousand years of falconry, and visitors were invited to sample a 'Falconry through the ages' exhibition.

Other attractions included demonstrations from Spanish, Arabian and Japanese falconers, lessons in different forms of hawking, and 'Falconry on the Steppes of Asia'.

"This is not just another country fair with a falconry section but a very specific celebration of man's ancient relationship with hawks and falcons," said Nick Fox, vice chairman of the Hawk Board, which organized the event.

The 2nd Internationalal Festival of Falconry will be held this year on the 11th and 12th of July 2009. Here is there link: Falconry Festival website . Click on it and read the mission statement of the Hawk Board, read their "rules" for bringing birds to the festival.

Falconry, like all animal related activities/industries such as rodeo, circus, dressage, the Arabian horse industry, all of them including dog fighting and cock fighting took a hard, hard hit during the animal welfare movement. None of them were unjustified in taking that hit. Falconry is very regulated, and difficult to get into today. As it should be. And they like the rodeo, dressage, and the Arabian horse industry took it upon themselves to self regulate. Dog fighting, cock fighting, and the circus still are taking a beating. You have to ask why? You don't get much done, in the way of good work drinking cocktails and holding seminars for each other like they do at Monte Carlo. That's why some are still a "soft target" and why the "connected" are taking care of only theirs, at the expense and possible loss, of the animal portion of the circus industry. You all better start policing the MC Mob, OABA, etc. and stop sucking up, in an effort to be acknowledged and included.

Look what an animal industry, 95% of which is in the form of a hobby, and not a lively hood has been able to do with self regulation. That's right, not everybody is included or allowed to participate in this "hobby", regardless of who you know or who your family is.

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