Thursday, January 1, 2009

Unknow Presenter


Anonymous said...

This is Job Lijfring he is now retired an worked with 5 tigers later with 4. He worked mostly in Netherlands and before also in France and Belgium.


Wade G. Burck said...

I posted a video of him, while back doing his act.

Anonymous said...

I saw many video's of his act and doesn't found it a good act. The animals were to slow and didn't listen very good also the tricks weren't very spectacular.


Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Was this guy rude to you while visiting at some point or something? Seems odd that you didn't like his act, after some of the acts you are a fan of. Just checking, if not I will take your rating as gospel and never by his instructional DVD.

Anonymous said...


I don't understand what you ask ? What I can say is that I don't like the act.


Anonymous said...

Job Lijfering had a slow act, he retired because two of his animals were too old to work with. He had 2 younger tigers, but the elder ones did the most tricks. He was always presented as a human trainer. I believe he was. His wagons were clean, animals always looked nice, wasn't agressive,...
He misses circuslife and his animals, but for his animals' concern he decided to retire.

For so far my opinion.

Xavier, another Belgian.

Wade G. Burck said...

Welcome. And thank you for the information. Do you know my pal Thomas, or my pal Simon?

Anonymous said...

Both... However, I'm more in contact with Simon. I met Thomas once. You have one of the most addictive blogs on the net!


Wade G. Burck said...

It is I that should be thanking all you fine young fans from Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, France. You jongeren are going to be the ones, to see this thing into the future. It's for the whole world, not just for your country or mine. You need to be smart, knowledgeable about the craft of animal training. You need to demand the best from every Trainer. Don't be bought off with a hand shake or an autograph. Don't accept mediocrity from anybody, man or women. Learn what it is about, become so knowledgeable about what you are seeing that you could enter the cage if necessary.
I hope with all my heart someday you will be able to witness acts like I have seen. Incredible wonders and skills, with large animal groups like Holtzmeir, Semoneite, Knie, Gebel, Baumann, Bottcher, Chipperfied, Marcan, Smith, Stricker, Farrell.

P.S. You are wrong about addictive. Addictive is young people with a passion and enthusiasm. Dutch chocolate is also addictive.