Friday, January 2, 2009

Newest wildlife expert on Animal Planet filming new season in Africa


Anonymous said...

so funny!

Wade G. Burck said...

How would you like to have friends who would say, "wait a minute, let me get my camera and take a picture before you say anything."

Ryan Easley said...

Not quite the pictures of bottomless girls we were looking for, Wade. lol

Wade G. Burck said...

If you get a chance go over to "the new circus" thread. I have been publicly accused of being nasty to young people. Go over there and show Dan what an knowledgeable young person is, and tell him how mean and disrespectful I am to young people.

Anonymous said...

good point. some friend. you gotta watch your back -- from the cats, and the predators.

Anonymous said...

Several years ago there was a Lion Country Safari (or something similar) at King's Island Park in the Cincinnati area. A "ranger" would be stationed in the lion yard in a Jeep should there be a problem. The "ranger" needed a break but it was quiet and felt he could relieve himself behind a berm. The lions got him. What a way to go.

Wade G. Burck said...

Speaking of which, Josip called me night before last and told me a guy was killed at a safari park in Austria that Josip was at when he was over there doing the Togni gig. Apparently he got 3 steps before the pants at his knees tripped him up.

Wade G. Burck said...

Get a hold of SMP. I think he can make a fortune at safari parks giving better option safety seminars.

B.E.Trumble said...

I was out with some bear guys many years ago. First rule, they explained -- don't piss in the woods. "Mark" a tree and something's going to check it out. So if you spend all day in a bear blind and the bear spends part of the day checking out the trees you pissed on... that's just not really productive science. I could see the average drive through park "ranger" using the same set of bushes day after day. And I can see the cats figuring out, "Hey, if we just watch that spot, numb nuts will be back!"

Wade G. Burck said...

If we gave them "human emotions/thought processing" for a moment that would be called a tree stand, or a bait set. LOL

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

I would never make it out in the jungle,,,,lol

I have looked at this picture 30 times over the last 3 days and just this morning noticed the lion in the grass. Now all the comments make sense,,LOL