Thursday, January 1, 2009

Jacques Bonnier

OElevage Jacques Bonnier - Chevaux de Pure Race Espagnole

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Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col. or Col. Herriott,
One this web site, click on video and then click on the 5 video down of the foals. Do you know why their manes have been roached and it appears the hair removed from their tails?
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Wade is this a test? Cannot find the web site but I am sure you are talking the Spanish Horses. In Spain and Mexico all mares have roached manes all the time, I believe the tails are left I am not sure. I believe it is for looks or tradition or branding ID or neatness....only know it is done. On the colts the manes and tails are kept roached until about two years of age the theory being that the hair will grow in heavy. Don't know if it works or not.

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
Click on translate, not the actual link. That's great insight on why the colts tails are roached. I was thinking foal pasture full of burrdocks. LOL I to have heard the "theory" that if roached the mane and tail will grow out thicker. I just never had the nerve to do it, in case somebody was goofing on me, and it never grew back. Ha Ha jokes one you. Doing it at the foal stage would seem to make great sense, if it is indeed fact and not theory, as it would be grown out by the time they mature and are useful.