Friday, December 26, 2008

Vintage Knoxville Zoo


Anonymous said...

Wade, we went to the Knoxville Zoo in June 2000. We saw Sita, the orange granddaughter of Bharat. In another enclosure were a littermate pair of tigers, one white and one heterozygous, named Ravi and Burma. They had been born at a circus passing through, and left at the Knoxville Zoo and hand-raised. I never did learn their lineage. All these tigresses are now deceased, and I don't know who is there now. The zoo enclosures were largely chain link, which surprised me.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Why were you surprised at chain link?

Anonymous said...

Wade, because I associate chain link with smaller zoos that don't have much money, not larger municipal zoos.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Looks like this elephant has previously "left the reservation" judging by the addendum to the fence.

Wade G. Burck said...

Knoxville gained fame a number of years ago, by taking a rogue African male named Black Diamond off of Ringling Bros. hands(Ringling of old, I might add). He spend his like in a "menagerie" like concrete bunker with a small rusty, decrepit railroad tie outdoor pen, isolated in one corner of the zoo behind some hills. This may be the pen. Hell of a way for a social animal, to spend his days.