Monday, December 8, 2008

Unknown Presenter--Cyrk Berolina Konie

This is a great hind leg walk. I haven't seen one done like this before. Brilliantly illustrates the use of a whip for working at a distance. It is not used for punishment, it is to make your hands/arms longer.


Anonymous said...

One word - superb!!!!

Anonymous said...

PS: Forget the sister mate! You've just won Steph by posting the Friesian Liberties.

Wade G. Burck said...

How long before shes packed?

Wade G. Burck said...

Folks don't appreciate the difficulty in getting a pair or more of animals to go different directions. The logistics of it is a real treat to try to work out.

Anonymous said...

Yep - I should have qualified that my "superb" was for the hind leg walkers and the whipcraft involved.

The Liberties won the boss because she's a Friesian freak.

Too many nags in the ring for me - more quantity than quality as far as formations go.

Compare Fredy Knie's fewer horses but greater content.

PS: She can't go yet - grandson's concert tomorrow, 'gator arriving at airport to pick up in morning, lion barn needs hosing, no staff rostered till Wednesday, sick 'roo needs daily shots ..... just be patient!

Anonymous said...

The first video is reminiscent of Fredy Knie's living carousel, although not as complex.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

The first video left me with a vision of busy mishmash. Think it would have bben better to do with less horses and clean it up, then add to. The second video I went whoa!!!!! Great!

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
This is part of the living carousel. Like Krone Fredy makes new act's periodically and keeps the older acts, and does the carousel as a special thing. You will note additional behaviors like the lay down sit up, etc. With a ring full of horses for the carousel you only have room for a pirouette, wheels, and the split reverses. That changing and doing something different is what distinguishes the great trainer like Fredy and Cristal and keeps the people coming back. Might be why they are the most popular loved shows in Europe. A concept I wished America had embraced. Things may be different today.

Wade G. Burck said...

I was going to mention she could leave any dogs, reptiles/amphibians down under. I she whined, I was going to promise her a Fresian.

Wade G. Burck said...

Isn't it amazing that you can actually distinguish quality and trash. I wish more folks were as observant, we may have had more quality today.

Wade G. Burck said...

In reference to whips, when I did the double hind leg walk with Krishna and Farah around the cage and split them around Karma, my whips had to be twice that active to compensate for their speed. I am grateful they didn't become such a bad thing when I started so I could learn how to use them.

Wade G. Burck said...

With all acts, if you don't have the skill for large numbers make it small so it isn't a mess. In this case I don't think it is a reflection on this gentleman's skill. The hind leg walks bear that out. They are probably younger horse's who were added to an existing number. Once a large group of animals go south a new trainer if he is skilled can restore it about 90%, but the bad is there and it doesn't ever go away. And I have seen enough of them destroyed.

Marco said...

This is Bernhard Spindler at the German Circus Berolina. Berolina is Germany's only 3 ring show and travelled last season in Poland (That's where the word Cyrk is coming from). Some pictures can be found here

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. Weren't there some other Spindler's with elephants. Is he related? Has Clown CoCo calmed down. I better be careful. We are neck deep in a war right now, we sure don't need a Blitzkrieg knocking on the Colonial shores.