Sunday, December 28, 2008

Understanding animal issues worldwide--Circus Krone

I recently heard that Circus Krone was having issues with their horse boxes, or stalls. It was inconceivable that they would have any problems because of all the Circus's in the world, Krone is beyond reproach.
In correspondence with people involved with the issue:

No, that is not a german law, recommendations by a team of specialists for animals only.
In german language this kind of law is called "Leitlinien für Circustiere"(Guidelines for the circus animals.)
The stalls for the Arabians and Palominos are without doubt quiete OK.
The stalls for the Frisians are due to this kind of law are some few
square inches not confirm/suitable.

Does anybody know any more about this team of specialists for animals only. Who funds them, are they sponsored or supported by the circus industry or are they an independent group?


Anonymous said...

Do they just want them to have larger stalls, or are they aiming at something deeper? I'm sure that the circus could easily replace the freisian stalls with larger ones--don't they have their own people on tour who build these kinds of things? I hope the circus is not in jeopardy--from what I see fromt the vids and pics, they appear to take good care of their animals. I think most circuses, ie. Knie and several others use these same stalls.

Anonymous said...

I have no earthly idea what the issue is here so I'm going to simply be argumentative and suggest that hsi group of circus animal experts offer a simple formula of taking the heights of the animal in hands, the body length in meters, and the width in inches to create an animal volume in cubic hands/meter. inches then derice a formula that converts the cubic h/m into a square centimeter of stall/cage space by multiplying by an arbitratary factor of 3009 / .045 x .074 ergs per suare centimeter of weight distribution over the floor space to establish the minimum square footage of stall space required. Of course, this square footage would not be based on any physical dimensions of the animal. Be very careful or you might let common sense come into play here. Does a Percheron require much more room than a Shetland - of course, but if the horse can stand, lay down, move about freely, eat a quality diet, have adequet bedding, have clean beddig, and gets proper exercis, fresh air, attention, and cleaning: does a few centimeter in stall dimensions make a difference?
Those photos of the Krone stalls exceed the quality of many of the leading stables permanently based that I have seen.

Wade G. Burck said...

I think you said it with the statement, "move about freely" Yes, a bigger horse needs a bigger stall. Dianne Olds will use a double stall, every chance it is available for her Freisians. It there is a standard size set, it has to be used by all, other wise, trust me on this, there would be a lot in the circus industry, that would be "interpreting" or "improvising" what they felt was adequate. If the standard is decided on is one inch, everybody needs to comply. Move about freely will me interpreted as "what I can afford" if that standard is not adhered to and enforced.