Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Okapi calf born at Cincinnati Zoo--11/04/08

Courtesy of Mary Ann


B.E.Trumble said...

When I was a kid the "mystique" surrounding okapis -- the last large mammal to be properly "classified" made them pretty cool. And during the 1970s bigfoot mania sasquatch hunters were okapi fans. In the early 80's when we would go to White Oak to work with rhinos they were having great luck with okapis. I think that breeding group may have gone to St Catharine's Island later on.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the okapi that died at the Copenhagen Zoo because of a concert they had there? I guess it was scared to death by the music.

Anonymous said...

Wade, Joe and I attend concerts at the Toledo Zoo amphitheatre, and have enjoyed most of them. However, the last one we attended, just before Memorial Day weekend, was much too loud and gave me earaches and a headache. I did mention it to a friend at the zoo, since the cheetahs are housed next to the amphitheatre.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

The majority of the okapis in the North American studbook have an odd number of chromosomes, 45 to be exact. This is a trait they have in common with certain Iranian sheep and a few other animals. They appear to be perfectly normal, but if they were humans they'd have Down's Syndrome.

Wade G. Burck said...

Wow!!!! I never looked at it that way. Great insight.