Sunday, December 21, 2008

In the immortal words of PT Barnum--"There is a sucker born every minute"

Above poster used in 2004 says "Live from Las Vegas for the First Time in Europe"
Above poster used in 2004 says "An exclusive from Las Vegas" To see more more "circus" advertising and additional white tigers in a larger format go to click on collections, click on affiches, click on the letter M, click on the # 5

Interesting to note on the below posts, that with a pictures of just a White Tiger, Mary Ann assumed it was a tiger from Siegfried and Roy from Las Vegas. A picture of a White tiger performing with a date, led Mary Ann to assume it was a Hawthorn Tiger. A picture of a well known Champaign lion with a well know person with the same words, Mary Ann was sure was false. The point: Would you believe an industry that would use this practice, to sell their product? Granted as there is false advertising and misleading advertising as Dan who puts shows in to town suggests. When I questioned this advertising in 2oo4, it was suggested "the tigers were in Las Vegas before coming here." In a tent behind a casino for a week didn't seem relevant. Has the attendance increased in North Dakota in the last 50 years? A company not knowing they are misleading you is one thing, a company intending to mislead you speaks volumes to the public, and might make you a "soft target." Casey suggests that somebody else did it so what's the big deal. The Vegas numbers increased for Siegfried and Roy and the circus numbers decreased. Is there a big deal there? Some would suggest a performer has no choice in advertising. I suggest that is a wrong assumption. If the posters had said, "An exclusive from Las Vegas, the lamest act in the world." It would have been changed. Or "Direct from Las Vegas for the first time in Europe, the ugliest person in the world with the ugliest tigers." It would have been changed. 15 tigers left, the posters change from 14, to 11 to 12 to to 8. The reason for that discrepancy is documented word of mouth, and moves to a new place. What if it was the Bronx Zoo which never leaves it's location. Would something more valid then word of mouth not be needed as an explanation?

In regards to the heading of this post: P. T. Barnum is most often associated with the circus sideshow and the display of freaks. While this is true, he is also the founding force behind one of America's most famous circuses: Barnum & Bailey Circus. Barnum is also affiliated with the famous quote "There's a sucker born every minute." History, unfortunately, has misdirected this quotation. Barnum never did say it. Actually, it was said by his competitor.

Instead of discrediting our adversary's, I'm wondering if adressing "why don't they believe us, and why are we a soft target" might go a long way in validating our mission statements. That's right, I forgot. The other animal industry's have big bucks and we don't. Possibly they are generating revenue with their product and we are not. Every body has an opinion why that is, and so do I.



It is just a question of publicity!
a wrong publicity.Everybody khnows alan gold with circus Krone and white tigers, etc... but in France, it was the first real group of white tigers with susan Lacey.Las Vagas... for french it is the city of entertainment, city of lights... So they wrote Las Vegas.Nothing else.It is better on the posters!

Wade G. Burck said...

This year a well know circus producer riding the false advertizing from 2005 into 2009 said this in an international interview. Remember we were told that don't call them Championships any more, and it the winners don't use it much for publicity, so it isn't important that it is factual:

Last year 70,000 visitors attended the circus, and the official winners of the Circus World Championships in Monte Carlo appear at my show in Heilbronn for the Christmas program. The biggest circus stars come to Heilbronn, for example BLANK who with her 13(there is a different number again) which occurred in Germany for the first time(2005) at Heilbronn.

This was my response to him:
The interview with Mr. Melnjak is somewhat misleading. White tigers first appeared in Germany at the Krone bau in 1988-89. The group that appeared at the winter circus contained some animals from that original group. So in reality individual animals made a second appearance in Germany.

This led to 7 emails from irate European fans claiming I didn't know what I was talking about, who the hell was I anyway, as the first white tigers in Europe were the ones Siegfried and Roy had given to Blank to train and bring over to Europe. Two actually knew who I was and sent me the information on the posters.

RJR and Raffaele in regards to History, how are books like Tiede writes, not the pictures but the words, any valid history. Why is Thomas not as valid, or the fans who have a biased history? How much of our history has been factually documented, with anything other then self serving papers.

Look at all of the validated sports records sanctioned by an association. Look at box office records, gold records, for validating success. What if you saw an advertising poster, that said "Direct from Nashville and the Grand old Opry, with 5 gold records
appearing tonight only" and you buy a ticket and it is Casey Canine(no offense Casey). Are you going to buy another high dollar ticket to see the next show.

Rebecca Ostroff said...

When I bought my current truck the dealer didn't say this truck, we have discovered in developement and consumer testing will probably have some serious malfunctions.
Your head gaskets will blow, your injectors,turbo,important things you need to stay alive will fail,HOWEVER it is cheaper for us to repair everything for free and even settle with the families of those who perish because of our bad design and incompetance. They told me it was a great safe truck,the most tested and spactacular and sophisticated beast on the market.They lied.
people lie,to sell products.We are suckers.We will come back for more.

Wade G. Burck said...

But you aren't happy. You also have no choice(different in entertainment) if you want to drive, except study them carefully, and not accept what sounds the best. Where did the public go?

Wade G. Burck said...

First real group. Did they forget Voss in 1999 or Seimonete in 1998 in Monaco. Let's split hairs and not call that France. Did Mr. Melnjak not realize that they had also been in Germany before, when he claimed the white tigers were the first in Germany in Heilbronn? The fans may have a bit more information but the public doesn't. May be that is why there is great fans but not much public any more. Why couldn't it be sold marketed on it's merits? My brother who lives in France, and went with the first White tigers to Knie in 1988, took his daughter who is a French citizen to see the Medrano show. At the conclusion he asked her what she thought, and she ask, "Papa, I thought you were going to show me the magic man's from America."
Welcome, and I will look forward to more great debate.

Rebecca Ostroff said...

How dare you question my happiness!
I am happy!my truck had cancer but is now better for now and it didn't explode.
The point I was attempting to make was .drum roll please
"you can't always judge a book by it's cover"
Advertising,publicity there is always a fine line between extended reality and total lies .This toothpaste will make your teeth sparkly white,this armpit laquer will make you popular,this animal trainer is the king of the hill.The best first most MAGNIFICANT, delightful white tigers to grace our lands.Queen of the air.Emperor of the Galaxy.For the first time ever.etc.etc.
AND actually people came and enjoyed the American Circus circus this year.From my point of view.It is now, everything is different.
The circus as it was is no more.

Wade G. Burck said...

With respect, I don't think we have to split hairs between France and Monaco. I just remembered it says first time in Europe, so the argument of it being special in France seems even weaker.

Wade G. Burck said...

Drum roll double. The point was not your happiness. The point was after what you experienced would you run out and buy another car like that or from that company. Don't be silly, You buy a computer billed as the best 0 the best, and it falls apart. You get your money back. How easy is that in a box office usually. You buy a DVD of Willie Nelson Hits, and open it up and it is Slim Whiteman do your shrug you shoulders, and run out to by more product from that company.
Oh wait a minute it isn't what it used to be, you say. I wonder why, surely for a whole bunch of other reasons that are so unfair to a "soft target".

Anonymous said...

I do not believe for one minute the circus going public cares if they were the first white tigers, the fourth white tigers, or the last white tigers. They will attend the circus if they want to, regardless of what is advertised.

As usual, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.


In France, if you are not a circus fan or a magician fan, NOBODY khnows sigfrid and roy, Festival in Germany, festival of Monte Carlo, etc...EXCEPT 1 hour when they broadcast the show at the tv during christmas.
So it is just a question of publicity. The poster must be wonderful and you have to dream.
A white tiger is beautiful and Las Vegas looks good.No more, no less...

Wade G. Burck said...

With respect, I will not assume to know the French people as intimately as you. But I will also listen and gage what my brother perceives after liver there since 1989, and what I found stranded there in the great storm of 2005 and frequenting the lovely local pubs waiting for transportation to become unlocked. I met three "fans" in those two days, and a couple of dozen, just folks. When my brother introduced me, and told them what I did in America, every one asked me if I knew Siegfried and Roy. Should we assume it was Strausbourg, on the German border and given, the undeniable "folk hero" status of Siegfried and Roy in Germany that played a part on their knowledge? I don't think are are really giving the public enough credit. The advertising in question, or the words spoken are not isolated to a rural area any more. They are world wide. Do you know how many European folks including French contacted Siegfried and Roy to ask if those were their tigers, thinking they were trying a new venue after the unfortunate accident? I bet you don't, but I bet you want to assume know body? I love fans, I am a fan myself of certain things, example stamp collecting. I can tell you everything wrong with the hobby but it might differ from the thoughts of the philatelist who makes his living with it.
Did vaudeville survive with just the the fans? Does anything survive with just the fans?
Each year there is a big gathering of a couple of thousand Edsel fans, folks who love the cars, and have carefully restored them to their originality. They get together and talk about Edsel's and cherish their Edsel's. But the public quite buying them, and they stopped production of them.

From wikipedia: The Edsel was a marque of the Ford Motor Company during the 1958, 1959 and 1960 model years. Despite its short lifespan, the marque is very well known today: by automotive enthusiasts as a collectible classic; by technology buffs for its innovative engineering features; and by the marketing/business communities as one of the biggest commercial failures in the history of American business.
Wikipedia defines "commercial failure" as: A commercial failure is a product that does not reach expectations of success, failing to come even close. A major flop goes one step further and is recognized for its complete lack of success. All venture had high expectations, significant financial investments, and/or widespread publicity, but fell far short of success.
False or misleading advertising, which the product does not meet is the major cause of "commercial failure". But we can look at a few example today, thanks to the fans, but they could not financially keep it afloat.

I would sure love a few photos of Daniel Suskow, if you had access to them. Thank you.
