Friday, December 26, 2008

Charles Monroe--Circus photo magazine


B.E.Trumble said...

What a great looking little show. Went to see several shows this size in Denmark six years ago. I was amazed. 200-300 seats, outstanding performance. Animal acts were mostly dogs or barnyard animals. I think we saw a couple pony acts, and one leash act. Really impressive. Part of what hurts US shows today is that even after fifteen years of dramatic downsizing we still sell "bigger is better." The show that used to be five rings may only have one ring now, but it boasts that it has the biggest tent, or whatever. In the longer term selling excellence in a small package might make more sense.

Wade G. Burck said...

A common myth propagated by thousands of miles is the grandeur of a show in Europe. I have said all along, 3 lb of garbage in a 2 lb bag, looks like a lot of garbage, but that same 3 lbs of garbage in a bigger 10 lb bag doesn't look like much. I think in an effort to fill up a building or a big tent, the performance, which is what draws the crowds, was over looked. Does the person with one Lambergini have less then the person with 10 Cadillacs? I myself would much rather have 3 National Champions in my barn, then 30 grade horses. The American mentality has historically been having alot or bigger to point to success. I think quality points to success, much more then quantity. What has been forgotten is that you need the same skill level with 5 animals that would would need with 50 if it is to be a quality presentation. I sure wouldn't put somebody of lesser skill in charge of my 3 National Champions, just because there is only 3.