Sunday, November 23, 2008

Manuel Zinnecker


Anonymous said...

Boy black looks good in white doesn't it.

Wade G. Burck said...

Beautiful custom harness sure "sharps" up any liberty act. I just don't get the "naked" look. Kinda like performing in your jeans and Cinch shirt.

Anonymous said...

Wade = I never could pick which one was you in your old avatar! LOL

But in this new one - is that Prince Albert that's Wade's buddy???

Wade G. Burck said...

Don't get me started on that Judas. That's such a mess over there, so many all groveling for the same teat. I have a picture of your countryman, getting bumped to the end of the line, by Wayne McCary at the "Get a picture with the Princess" photo stand(out grosses both the snake and chimp picture concession 6 to 1 at festival time).
I am reminded of the time I spent some time with Richard Nixon in New Jersey whom I will use for my profile picture for a while instead of that other spin doctor, Iron Eyes Cody.
Just before finale the press department came to the the dressing room all excited and said, "President Nixon is here. Would you like to meet him after the show?" I said, "Not particularly, unless he want's to meet me." They said, "yes he does. He asked if we could bring you up to the skybox after the show." I said, "let's go. It will give me a chance to ask him about that erased transcript." The press department goes into a panic, and says " Wade, please. Don't do one of your things." So I promised I wouldn't and we went up. As he and I are into our second cup of coffee, making small talk,(what are you going to talk to a Princess about? You don't have solid gold bathroom fixtures, and she obviously wouldn't know a trained animal if it bit her in the royal hinnie) he asks "Which one of the tigers is your favorite one?" To which I replied, "The one that walks on her hind legs." He said, "she is beautiful, what is her name?" I replied, "Rosemary(although her name was Kashmire.) It was like the air was sucked out of the room in that instant.(Rosemary Woods was his secretary who erased the transcripts by hitting the erase button under the desk with her foot.) He said, "what a small world. My secretary's name was Rosemary. Why did you chose the name Rosemary for her?" I replied, "because she has big clumsy feet." In an instant the press department cut the tea time short, and hustled me out of there making apologizes about needing to get ready for the next show. LOL
But he was nice enough and two weeks later I got a nice letter and a signed copy of his newest book, LEADERS in the mail. But I sure would have liked to ask him, "Between you and I, mano a mono I'll bet you wanted to flip two bird's that day you left the White House and got on the Marine helicopter and waved good by to the Nation, instead of that goofy peace sign?"

Anonymous said...

Re Nixon - the way I heard it over here was that people were asking: "Who's that jerk with Burck?"