Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Albert Ostermaier and his Saddlebred Patriot

My youngest son Taylor found these fabulous lost clips of the master, Albert Ostermaier performing a reinless piaffe and backup on his Saddlebred Patriot on a blog for Seattle based horse folks called "My Seattle Pets." My excitement turned to hurt and disappointment when I saw that "equidancer" was aware of these clips a year ago and had not made me aware of them. That is a classic example of being a "greedy, selfish, hog!!!" Classic, classic footage of Albert "hanging paper".

Here is a comment to the clip which is titled Circus Dressage, and was posted by tunagirll(who is she?):
"That is no circus... that is Ostermeyer who is close to the most gifted riders I've seen. A real master. Circus, ha! Where are the bears anb the clowns.." ranch victoria.

So now you don't have to take my word for Alberts skill.

Comments to the above clip:
"Hey there- my trainer had Albert's piaffe & passage training videos, he lent them out didn't get them returned- any idea where I could get a copy?" fresians4ever

"Lovely. Would it be possible to have a copy on CD or video tape?" SoleySaddlebreds

"That's so interesting! where did you get this?" nelsonreed

"That was brilliant!" shellz137

"OSTERMAYER.... What a master!" JavierBonilla

Also on the same blog was this clip above of the "greedy, selfish, hog" who had the time to tell the world that they had been "Albert's protege" for 15 years(woo woo like that's a big deal!!!), yet didn't have the time to tell me about the clips that had become available.

Below are comments to this clip:

"this is an amazing vid and an amazing horse. that would be incredible to watch live." tyson girl18

"I need the email of master "greedy, selfish, hog"
becouse i have horse but i learning how make steep spanish or "Air of Alta Ecuela" njgarcia17

"Very very good show, good horse and good teach.Bravo!!!" bodegaga

"cant stop watching<3" pandaflicka


Anonymous said...

Greedy, selfish hog here..... Don't have this footage but I have seen it, where I don't know. If you look quickly at the end of the clip he is returning in with his Lipizzan in long lines. I do know that it was taken at the Burbank Equestrian Center most likely at the Cool August Nights Dressage Show..

The "circus" clip I had seen on youtube and it is an excerpt from his Piaffe video. Didn't Jody seen you a copy of that? Jody did you? Save me here, the Tiger trainer is on the war path.

Wade G. Burck said...

No, she never did shit. I have a DVD of him riding Patriot bridle less that someone I used to respect and admire a lot gave me. As for these two clips? Nope, I was left completely out of the loop. I did note the Lipazzan at the end, and may have enjoyed it more, had I not been queasy realizing this had been going on behind my back for over a year.

Anonymous said...

What can I tell you, women are fickle.

Wade G. Burck said...

Not only fickle, but also devious. You threw the ball in Jody's court fast enough, didn't you.

Anonymous said...

I'd seen those videos on Youtube a while ago. Very impressive.

Wade G. Burck said...

A lot of people have seen then. People who were made aware of them got the first look. A year ago was when equidancer was hanging qualification paper. Would have been a simple matter to email me before signing off. But I had to stumble upon them on my own, with a tip from my son.

Anonymous said...

"Jody Save You?"

Sure Wade, I've got your back...
Who is "greedy, selfish, hog anyway?

I think I've missed something.
Yes, I have the Albert videoes and in the process of getting them duplicated.

Wade G. Burck said...

GSH "used" to be one of the most skilled equestrians I have every had to pleasure of being around. Before they chose to disregard me and write me off as a "circus guy." They are in the process now of a major patch to square the beef with vintage pictures of Albert, hoping I can be smoothed over with trinkets.
Were the tapes you have a "commercial project" or private tapes? I wonder where they got clips to put on you tube?

Anonymous said...

From the same tapes I have. Albert had sold some before he passed away.

Still doesn't tell me who GSH is...

Wade G. Burck said...

That's because we have been going to fast for you. LOL GSH jumped right into the shoe, as it fit perfect!!!!!! Read the link again slowly. The last clip posted on it should give you a clue. If not let me know and I will spell it out. By the way, the "babes" sure loved Albert as I am starting to discover. Smooth character he was.

Anonymous said...

Sorry GSH,
Yup, I messed up. Haven't had much sleep last few days..
Wade get over it..........if you want me to feel bad for you it's not going to happen..Remember, you had the opportunity to work with GSH and I'm sure she didn't hold back trying to properly educate you...She must have patience of a saint...
And no, I haven't sent him a copy of the tapes yet because I don't have them finished...and if he keeps posting those dang Arab rag classes, it might be awhile before he gets them..LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, only tripped across this today. This lovely footage is a poor copy of a copy that I have at home that I received as part of a promotional DVD magazine.

The footage is a bit more extensive. If you would like me to forward a copy of the DVD please email me on silviakutle @ and I will do my best :)

Love the guy, what a lovely enthusiast of the horse. You can really tell how much his horses liked him and they appear to be practically falling over in their keeness to please him.

Wade G. Burck said...

Tuna Girl,
Welcome. I should tell you as you have come into the book in the middle of a chapter, that Greedy selfish hog is Madam Col. Olds Rossi, who is one of Albert's most well known students, and an incredible horsewomen in her own right. Her link is listed on the right side of the blog, "World of Dancing Horses." Also on the right is a link to Horse Shoe Ranch, and Jody Campbell who also spent some time around Albert. None horse people on this blog, may wonder why it seems Albert had a predominance of women working for him. That's because he had charm/charisma as well as being a great horseman. LOL We have many pictures of Albert in the archives of this blog that have been kindly submitted by folks.
Please email me at and we can talk further.

Anonymous said...

GSH back again but was forgiven by the circus tiger guy or did I miss something here. I actually never had the footage of Patriot he was after my time with Albert so I am clean of any sneaky,vicious female moves of greed. Whoever asked for a copy of the Albert tape, I can supply that although none of the footage is great as it was taken with an older video camera quite a few years ago. Maybe I'll get the footage to you of the Winston commercial we did with two Lipizzans. Will that soothe the Tiger man? Jeez!!

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
You rode up late. This thread is where I first started putting the irons on you. It was a couple of later threads where patched the deal. I can assume some day when archaeologists are digging through the ruins of this blog, they may come to the conclusion that apparently "the tiger guy hated this broad?" and they will conclude, "can you blame him, she was a real bitch." LOL Yet they won't have a clue. LOL

Godo11978 said...

Hi just wondering if anyone has the set of training video/dvds that I would be able to get a copy off please. This man is amazing, thank you so much for sharing

Wade G. Burck said...

On the right side of the blog is a list of relevant stops on the information highway. Click World of Dancing Horses, Madame Col. Dianne Olds Rossi one of Albert's more gifted student's may be able to accommodate you. The clips of Albert riding bridleless on Patriot was actually a Christmas present to Dianne.