Friday, October 31, 2008

The Wonderful World of Dancing Horses

The newest additions to the Dianne Olds Rossi stable. Above Madame Col. long lining Andalusian Stallion Cartier, and below Dianne's assistant Bud Long mounted on Andalusian Stallion Tepia.
"Master of the Dance"
Training and it's results are never from one idea,
one form,one method or formula ..
it is only a beginning from which your horse
will show you the method to teach him...


Anonymous said...

Wade, did Fire Magic and Paloma ever have their colt? I am assuming not, or you would have posted it?
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
No. She absorbed. But there is always next time. Such is the journey when you are "panning for gold."

Anonymous said...

Cartier is stunning