Sunday, October 26, 2008

Irish liberty Act.

This is what Col. John Herriott would call a salad. I can also assure this is not Fredy Knie. Madame Col., how many times did you hear me tell National Velvet in Wisconsin, "When they go south on you, quite chasing them, because you are not fast enough to outrun them. Get them into a walk and calm them down. If you are lucky you might get one or two behaviors. But at least you haven't made their ring experience miserable. At least this gentleman remembered that part. LOL


Anonymous said...

Unless I'm very much mistaken, the presenter is David Duffy, and the horses were bought from Tom Roberts, who trained them.

Wade G. Burck said...

I know neither of them so I can only comment on what I see. This thing was ready to go south at the beginning when the gentleman stood there nonchalantly expecting it just to happen. He wasn't "working" it, just assuming it would work because it was trained. There are more inept presenters then trainers, and I have seen my share of hard work crushed in a heartbeat. Buying it doesn't mean you know anything about it, and animal training is the only profession that hires on the volunteer/availability system. Maybe why we became a "soft target."