Friday, September 26, 2008

Krugers Magnificent Seven--Shawu 1926-1986

The 'Shawu Bull' (pronounced Sha-who) was named after the Shawu valley in which he spent much of his life. He was a fairly approachable animal and showed no particular fear or distrust of vehicles. Shawu was a large bull having a shoulder height of 340 cm. Due to the pincer shape formed by his large tusks he was sometimes referred to in Afrikaans as 'Groot Haaktand' (Big Hook Teeth).

Shawu died of old age in October 1986 at almost 60 years old. He had been ill for some time and his condition and movements were being monitored daily by means of a radio transmitter. His body was found in the Kostini area east of Shingwedzi, near the northern watershed of the Shawu Valley.

Special Features: Shawu's tusks are the longest on record in Southern Africa.

Left tusk: length 317 cm, mass 52.6 kg, circumference at lip 45 cm
Right tusk: length 305 cm, mass 50.8 kg, circumference at lip 45 cm


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