Friday, September 26, 2008

Krugers Magnificent Seven--Ndlulamithi 1927-1985

Ndlulamithi (pronounced N-dlu-la-mi-thi), which is a traditional Tsonga word meaning 'taller than the trees', earned his name from his appearance. He was taller than most of the other tuskers, probably around 340 – 345 cm high at the shoulder.

He was an aggressive and wild elephant, prone to charging but was seldom seen. His right tusk had broken short at some point. He died of natural causes in 1985 at an estimated 58 years of age and his tusks were recovered by ranger Paul Zway in the Shangoni area.

Special Features: The handsomely curved tusks of Ndlulamithi, the left one sweeping low and well forward, are significantly more twisted than those of other large bulls.

Left tusk: length 287 cm, mass 64.6 kg, circumference at lip 48.5 cm
Right tusk: length 273 cm, mass 57.2 kg, circumference at lip 48 cm

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