Friday, September 26, 2008

Krugers Magnificent Seven--Kambaku 1930-1985

Kambaku (pronounced Kam-ba-ku) is the Tsonga word for 'old elephant bull', implying great reverence for an impressive animal. Unlike the rest of the Magnificent Seven, Kambaku was only ever seen alone, never with a companion.

He was more than 55 years old in 1985 when he was found in obvious pain from a bullet wound. He had been shot when he crossed the Crocodile River into neighbouring sugar cane fields. When he could no longer walk and it was clear that death was imminent, he was mercifully shot by Regional Ranger Lynn van Rooyen from the Lower Sabie Ranger Section.

Special Features: He had no tail hairs towards the end of his life. Prominent markings on his trunk, together with his magnificent ivory, made him easily recognisable. His tusks are precise mirror images of each other.

Left tusk: length 259 cm, mass 63.2 kg, circumference at lip 51 cm
Right tusk: length 265 cm, mass 64 kg, circumference at lip 52 cm

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