Friday, September 26, 2008

Krugers Magnificent Seven--Joao 1939-2000

João was first seen near a windmill of the same name in the Shingwedzi region. The windmill was originally named after a Mozambican who worked with the mechanic at Shingwedzi Rest Camp.

This agreeable elephant was attacked by poachers in 1982 but survived a number of impacts from the bullets of an AK47. His magnificent tusks were once measured when he was immobilised for the fitting of a radio collar. Unfortunately, both tusks were broken off about 20 cm above the lipline in 1984. The cause of the loss is not known and the ivory was never found.

João is thought to have died sometime before 2000 but his body has never been recovered.

Left tusk: length 271 cm, mass 70 kg, circumference at lip 51 cm
Right tusk: length 250 cm, mass 60 kg, circumference at lip 51 cm

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