Friday, September 26, 2008

Duke--The current reigning King of Kruger

Duke is currently the largest of the Kruger tuskers, and therefore perhaps the biggest in the world. His home range is in the Lower Sabie/Crocodile Bridge/Tshokwane area though he has been known to travel as far north as Satara. He is seen regularly by the windmill that shares his name and is probably the most photographed of the big tuskers. He has a very relaxed disposition and can be identified by a square-shaped notch in his left ear.


Anonymous said...

from Jim Stockley....... anyone interested in the big tuskers of Africa (past and present) could do worse than buying the beautiful book by Johan Marais & David Hadaway "The Great Tuskers of Africa". It is full of information on the Uys Pienaar's "Magnificent Seven" as well as the great tuskers of today (Hlanaganini, Masbambela etc) and the legendary Karonga Bull at Matusadona. I'm happy to say that Southern Africa is still home to some fairly big wild elephants.

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you for the information. We need to somehow tag it with Jamie Clubbs book. LOL
I keep hearing that all the really big tuskers are gone. Are there any monumental ones around, anywhere near Ahmed magnificence?

Wade G. Burck said...

I can find no reference to the Karonga Bull at Matusadona on the KNP web site. Or is the Matusadona Karonga herd outside of KNP's jurisdiction? Did he have a name or was he just referenced as the Karonga Bull. Thank you.