Saturday, August 2, 2008

In regards to my response to Gary Payne on Wed. July 30th below, as some may misinterpret

This response was posted on the History Channel in reference to a story/incident:
Anonymous said...

Why perpetuate an incident that is characterized by undocumented, inflammatory reporting of a tertiary nature and keynoted by a fake photo of the purported death scene? Search around the web a bit and you'll see some real trash writing on this incident.

John Cooper corrected me on the names, which I appreciate that I had posed to a picture. The picture and names of the British family in question were copied straight out of King Pole the official long published, respected publication of the Friends of the British Circus.
There has never been a documented researched record of Circus/Zoo/Captive animal incidences, and even the ones that "radicals" have attempted to document are way off, both proo and con. There is no record book to list exploits of trainer for comparison, such as Major League Baseball or the National Football League, etc. There is no "official list" of movie credits, or gold and platinum records. The "record/history" is "word of mouth", exactly like the movie Mad Max, where everybody would gather in the evening around a campfire to hear the "Tell" which was the story of what it used to be. We refer to it as "cutting up jackpots." It becomes the history/official record depending on how well you like the individual with the "jackpots." In the case of Mad Max, as it was the end of the world as they knew it, and there was no material left for recording historical accuracy, the young person selected to carry the "Tell" was very carefully chosen to carry the spoken history to the next generation, when the the current "Keeper of the Tell" passed away.
To understand my anger, and confusion in reference to the 20/20 video he felt he was qualified to critique, he does a "poor picked on us" in reference to an incidence in Hawaii which occurred in 1994 and was played over and over. As I am not the CHOIR, I pointed out there had been four instances prior to that with the same elephant. As late as 10 years later the same organization responsible for that incident, had a maintenance man in intensive care for 3 months after he was "promoted" to the elephant department. Like Mr. Payne, I noted some things in the 20/20 tape and I pointed out to others that there was an incident that was played over and over on the tape, that occurred in 1989 in Great Britain, and caused irreversible damage to the animal industry in that country. When it was suggest that it was unfair to keep running it over and over as it was so long ago, I suggested maybe, unless you consider the individuals responsible in 1989 just moved their operation to another country. I don't want anybody to feel sorry for for me, or feel that MY PROFESSION is being singled out unfairly. I suggest we were given every opportunity to comply, as was every other animal industry. The circus chose not to because, nobody had ever told us what to do. It had always done, what it wanted with no standard other then "it's the way it's always been done" I don't think it is too late, and I pray to the Gods above it is not. As the "old regime" steps back and the "new regime" steps in, I hope they have their facts straight and understand what happened. And until Mr. Payne gets his straight, he is not MY spokesman, and I have way too much pride, honor, and dignity to wrap myself in a poor me/pity party blanket. When you do something for someone Mr. Payne you don't do it for accolades, or a pat on the back. You do it because you believe in it as I believe in the the Art of Animal Training. All Animals, not just the one's I chose to favor.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Burck,

You speak as if you know Gary Payne. You do not.

If you did, you'd know that he often speaks of "getting facts straight", in his letters, emails, phone calls, radio interviews,and testimony to state legisltors.

All done as best he can stressing he is NOT an animal expert but always offering to put those who inquire in touch with experts.

While most remain silent, the CFA has a person who is willing to do the best he can?

Wade Burck and Gary Payne are on the same side. Perhaps you'd like to get to know him?

Wade G. Burck said...

Sir or Madame, which ever the case may be,
We normally don't allow anonymous posts here, because historically they are used to slam somebody or something, or to defend something you don't want to be connected with. "Anonymous" is a means for timid people who don't want to remain silent, yet lack the courage of a conviction.
I have posted you because you raised some issues, and I am about facts.
I asked Mr. Payne some valid questions, which he chose to direct to somebody else, and instead talked about hurt feelings, that somebody would even ask or question. I also asked who the leaders of industry were that he sources for his facts. I assume they are Circus industry leaders, as he has attached his "cause" to the "OABA Circus Division", and endorsed by the Circus Fans of America. Yet is seems to be "particularly elephants", in addition to a 300.00 membership in a European "agenda" Circus Association. Two of the three "industry" leaders he mentioned, are truly leaders in their industry, but it is not the circus industry. Why won't he tell me who his "experts" are in case I want to be in touch with them.
Referencing somebody who will tell you what you want to hear, is not "getting facts straight" by any stretch.
I also suggest that if you truly believe in your cause you are so devoted you don't have time to wonder where "your pat on the back is." That there is continuous reference to that fact, from Mr. Payne and now you, screams "personal agenda". Mother Teresa didn't set out to win the Nobel Prize and she didn't expect it. Her cause was her reward, no agenda there. I would like to know Mr. Payne better, because I may be getting the wrong impression. As for he and I being on the same side, where did you get your facts? I would think we should decide that for ourselves. Somebody looking out of a hole, may have a different perspective then somebody looking into it.
Wade Burck