Saturday, August 23, 2008

For Johnny Herriott

As Johnny referenced costumer Heddy Jo Starr creations as "home made", a lot of readers may not have know that by writing "home make" he reference about 90 % of all costumes in the circus. That said, Heddy Jo Starr was a professional costumer who was quite well known, and I will let you decide what looks "homemade" CASE CLOSED


Kitty Bevis said...

Heddy really made some ab-fab costumes for both humans and animal performers alike. She had a flair for feminine characters as was evidenced in her renditions of can-can dancers and our ever present cowgirls in the big elephant act. K

Wade G. Burck said...

Miss Kitty,
Where have you been? I thought the same thing about Heddy's costumes. I think too that some of the work she did for early big strippers, also made her female costumes rather "feminine".